Dr. Pants McTurd's MORE Than True
disclaimer: Satire is my business. And business
is good. Not monetarily, but in terms of availability and cost per market share
and whatnot. It’s the best investment we got right now, considering all the
hubble bubble.
Doc P’s Word of the Week: makebate. Look it up yourself, jerky. I’m neither your mommy
nor your dictionary.
Aries- There are only two US states that have
passed legislation declaring an official firearm. Utah for example, has decided
that the M1911 pistol is good god fearing symbolism that represents what Utah
is all about. Not to be outdone, Arizona quickly followed suit, making the Colt
Single Action Army revolver its official state gun. Arizona also lets most
people openly
carry a loaded firearm visible to others in a belt holster, gun case or
scabbard. Finally a place for me and my scabbard to live in peace! It’s also
legal for most Zonies to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. I’m hoping
you’ll declare your official state weapon something more civilized---like the
pen; which will always be mightier than the sword. Plowshares. Stability. No
need for scabbards.
Taurus- Genius is a term so casually thrown around
that it has been known to lie with the most vile of wrong headedness as in:
awesome, killer, rad, brilliant, fo shizzle, neato, etc. adinfinnauseum®.
Granted, as population increases, the amount of genius and/or awesomeness will
become more rampant and available to the average radical dude. Which, in turn,
changes the definition of words like ‘genius’, or ‘tripping balls’. And in
english, we deal in idioms and metaphors---changing the way we use our
brains---in particular the speed at which our brains work, evolve, and deal
independently with a bizarre matrix where the future always happens after the
past, and never before. Point is, genius is relative, and plot holes are plot
holes, regardless of the genius of the creator.
Gemini- According to a
2011 survey by Travelodge,
about 35 percent of British adults still sleep with a teddy bear. This already
feels awkward: 1) How did Travelodge acquire this information? 2) Why doesn’t
spellcheck correct the word ‘travelodge’ until I spell it without a lower case
T? Should I be concerned about the infiltration of corporate desires into a
world where three companies own pretty much everything? 3) Really? A third of
travelling business oriented Brits travel with an actual teddy bear? Should I
be concerened? 4) Is there a website where teddy loving Brits can go to meet
other teddy obsessed limeys? And why haven’t I set up that website and gotten
rich off the Teddy Brits®? www.naughtyteddybits.com
is my ticket to financial independence. My meandering point is that even the
weirdest piece of information can spur you multi tentacled brain toward new
weird heights of genius and inspiration.
Cancer- You
are a fluvial
landform, heading longways and strangways, but always downriver, and only
occasionally at flood stage; full of restless quiescent river monsters and
catfish the size of saber toothed carnivores of bygone ice ages. You cut your
way to and fro across ‘scapes and sounds, leaving rivers and lakes, and the
promise of future prosperity for those who refuse to desecrate the land,
thanking it for its bounty and life giving essences. And if you’re not educing
any of those qualities…you are a traitor to you cancerial sign, and a traitor
to a species that has survived our onslaught and fed us for a millennia,
despite the poisoning of our oceans, or very life, our very existence. Find a
tree. Give it a hug. And thank the river for feeding it.
Leo- There are precious few pamphleteers these
days. What a pisser. It’s all left to missionaries and religious nuts whose
proselytizing falls mainly on deaf ears as we enter the age of aquarius and
religion becomes science, and we believe in a higher god, and a higher
purpose---to grok the frak out of this ‘verse, and move on to the next one,
preferably in a warp capable luxury space RV. Maybe the 21rst century version
of the pamphleteer is the blogger—not to be confused with a writer, although
down the line, bloggers will likely be elevated to the likes of Hemingway,
Shakespeare, or even Bill O’Reilly. The medium changes, but the song remains
the same—continuity through the disjointed vacuum of spacetime. Pamphlets are
the conveyance for crazy and sane ideas—our thoughts and designs becoming
transferable amidst the stringy connections of the collective conscience.
Common Sense, friend---common sense.
Virgo- You are a mixed bag. Much in the style of
William Jennings Bryan and Orson Scott Card---those tri-named bastards. Card is
one of my favorite writers. And I just found out he’s Mormon. And I don’t hate
Mormons, but anyone espousing faith of any kind might not qualify as genius.
But Card is such a brilliant guy. Frak, I’m torn. And it’s a good thing that
Bryan is dead because he and I would have to have some pretty serious talks
about the flip side to his literate genius. He was for Prohibition and against
Darwinism. How brilliant people can adhere to false ideas and untruisms®, is
beyond me. Your mixed bag is not nearly as disturbing. Yours is more like
brownies and broccoli. Stale bread and a perfect pour of a perfect beer. A dove
and a hawk. A jingle and a jangle. A savory and a sweet. A little hither and a
tad yon. Try to keep the balance.
Libra- I have just invented a new quandary. You can
thank me later. So…you come upon a sealed jar full of live buzzing bees. I call
it ‘the quandary of the jar of bees’.
And one must ask oneself the inevitable question: 1) how did the jar get full
of bees in the first place? Seems like not such an easy task. Bees hurt. Some of
them kill. 2) what if the bees are Africanized honey bees that could in fact
kill me? Should I be concerned with their individual freedoms, as creatures
with some inalienable rights, that even if they don’t exist on paper right now,
they will; and I will go down in history as a bee racist? Or a species-ist? 3)
So…I’ve decided to leave the jar of bees alone and go my relatively merry way.
Is it cruel to leave the jar in the sun? If I put the jar in the shade, is that
more human, even though their death is the ultimate outcome no matter what.
Crap, dude. Take a nap and get some lingonberry pancakes.---it’s going to be a
long night.
Scorpio- The squirting cucumber is not a sex toy. It’s
real name is ecballium elaterium, and if you’ve chosen it as a pet name for
your genitals or the genitals of that someone special in your life, it’s time
you knew the truth about the squirting cucmber. Yes, it looks similar to your
average cucumber, but this is one of those rare plants that can actually move.
To reproduce, it squirts a stream of mucilaginous liquid that contains its seeds. It’s
generally poisonous, but can be used to treat sinus infections. Legal Disclaimer: I’m not recommending
that you smear squirted cucumber ejaculate up your nose. I do recommend that we
take a moment to revel in the glorious variety in the plant world. They are far
older than our own species, and possibly far wiser. Lay us down in fields of
green chlorific warmth, from whence we all first sprang. Let us commune with
the earth and let the plants show us how to squirt.
Sagittarius- Thankfully, the Pope has been infallible by
definition and law since the late 1800’s. Sure, there’s caveats. What would
religion be without caveats? Non-binding, probably. In the realm of taoism,
mayhap. Like if the holy father speaks ex cathedra for example, or if he’s in
the middle of a stroke or possibly even religious ecstasy brought on by sipping
wine and counting the church’s assets and wondering what to do about the whole
vow of poverty clause that’s technically in his contract. The real holy figures
walked the walk. The truly divine know your shoes and have walked in them to activate
the all too rare empathy gene, which allows my eyes to be yours, even if only
for a spell. Wear my shoes and you shall know my soles.
Capricorn- William Jennings Bryan has pissed me off once
again. Yeah, yeah I know—he’s dead. But the spirit of his wacky ideas lives on
in the likes of the tea party. Yeah, I won’t capitalize things of little merit.
Bryan was a bimetallist. No, not the pervy kind. Well maybe, I mean he does
remind me of a more intelligent jim bakker. Anyhowdy, he was against the gold
standard and in favor of a silver based economy, claiming it would engender more
freedom for all Americans; not to mention a less stable economy and possibly
$80 a gallon gas and $20 loaves of bread. Literati who espouse such
philosophies with beautifully written words like, "You
shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold", which of course injects
theism into what should be a discussion based on an understanding of the
principles of Darwinian economic. Keep your eyes peeled for some sound mother
fudgin’ theory, and not fear based tripe.
Aquarius- The remnants of past history (what other
kind, right?) are all around us, even if in decreasing numbers. Redwood trees
evolved from a chemically different earthly timespace, when more oxygen was
available to spur such prodigious growth. Today’s redwoods are the heartiest,
halest, strongest, most environmentally defiant trees that have survived to
present day. The age of our own species pales in comparison. They are our true
forebears, crossing continents amidst planet cooling, shifting on plates of
cooled outer surface, which in this cosmic moment of mesas and plateaus, we are
fortunate to exist. We are witness to the slow death of the planet that trees
once dominated. Point is, even there is ever a larger story than can be dreamt
from your perspective. And that will never change. In this ‘verse, there is
always ‘more’.
Pisces- The white mulberry is the fastest plant in
the world. Its stamens, or “junk’ as
kids call it today, you know—in the parlance of our times…anyhowdy, its stamens
act as a catapult which shoot the pollen into the air at over half the speed of
sound---that’s about 350mph at sea level. Holy crap. And I assume that where
Roddenberry got the idea for that one Trek episode where Spock got spewed on by
some alien plant, and fell in love with one of the indigenous super hot and
scantily clad drug addicts from Planet Opium. Point is, just like Spock had to
figure out---or at least what the human half of him knew, that when you get
spewed on by a plant, don’t believe everything you feel. Or wait-- no. believe
everything you feel, but hold tight before you resign your commission.