Pants McTurd's
True Horror-scopes
(not associated
with horror or scopes of any ilk)
Aries- A beaver named Spiritual Crunch is your power animal of
the week. He prefers to be called Crunchy,
fyi. Beavers, btw are the second largest rodent; a perfect example of wanting
one’s own environment to be a product of the implied me, the editorial--the
royal WE—rather than ‘me’ being a product of my environment. Whatever river
you’re on, it’s time to tie up your canoe and enjoy the spring thaw by building
a fortress of solitude and wood that will allow you and Crunchy to rejuvenate, revive and return to a simpler, more id
based economy. Think BIG.
Taurus- Jump the shark, it’s
time. Fonzie did it, while wearing a leather jacket and jeans, which seems
constricting and not very safe; but I guess the cool factor kinda outweighs the
physics and the logic of not waterskiing over a shark in the wrong clothes. I
assume naked waterskiing is also frowned upon from a safety perspective.
Anyhoo, you’ve been avoiding the shark for awhile, hoping to keep the same
continuum going, because change is scary and should be thought out far in
advance. But now, NOW is the time for logical change and movement and rock
climbing and adventure seeking and mating, both physically and spiritually.
Pamplona, 1961, man.
Gemini- You are the perfect
size to be a professional jumping rabbit. Man, I can’t make this stuff up.
Throughout northern europe and uk, rabbit jumping competitions are damn near
rampant. It looks like a cross between the American Kennel Club and an olympic
equestrian event. Most of the rabbits I’ve met seem to do little else besides
eat and poop and sleep and look cute. But these suckers jump! The record being
some 39 inches---three feet, man—wow, neat! I sense the eating pooping rabbit
inside of you is awakening from a long slumber after a nice salad. But it’s
time to jump. It’s time to touch the sky. Stretch your bunny legs and prepare
for springing into action and adventure. Sproing!®.
Cancer- In grammar, contractions
are indicative of the past intruding on present time, but with a purpose:
slowing the speed of the evolution of society, because it sure as heckfire
seems like from where we're standing, time is freaking flying like the Wright
Brothers. Language seems to be accelerating exponentially, spread by the web
and human curiosity and a love of the english language; which developed out of
centuries of law and organization and brute force, meant to curb the will of
man, to cull and cow tow to the authority of the stronger. Query: what will
happen when society outsmarts the bully, the physically stronger with masterful
Ender Wiggins-like intelligence. Once we suppress the samurai class, how will
they make a living? How will they survive? This week, don't sublimate; actuate
and engender. Save you it will.
Leo- You are the 21rst
century version of an orienteer. Wtf is that, you say? Whoa-- calmate,
muchacho. An orienteer is someone who can manage the crossing of an unknown
land with the aid of a map and a compass. What brings you to your future however, is something
far more plump and devious. You’ve been given no map, and your true north has
appeared to be truly lost amongst magma displacements and pole reversals, maybe
even verboten, all full of schadenfreude and so forth and on…You
are not alone, however. Your power animal will guide protect you. Now don’t
freak out, but your power animal is a capybara—the world’s largest rodent. His
name is unpronounceable in English. Trust him with your life. A destiny awaits.
Virgo- I repeat: I can’t make
this shit up: my Irish ancestors are strange and island oriented and hella
weird; posit: Irish Road Bowling; no--fer reals: basically, a bunch of
(usually) Irish guys “bowl” a metal ball down a road—say for about a mile or
so, until one of the guys gets to the designated location first, wherever the
marker may lie; probably reflective of the idea that Clyde bets that he can out
“bowl” James Patrick all the way to the Callahan’s farm, (my ancestors btw);
and that by Joyce--or by Jove, or by Jupiter, or by Jesus—Irish Road Bowling is
directly related to golf---which leads me to my Scottish ancestors…wait,
wait—the ball’s off the road here; point is: life is a game AND a journey…?
Mayhap? Prithee? You shall sample...my….blade…?
Libra- Preceding caveat: this
‘scope is not about Richard Gere. That said, the gerbil, also known as the sand
rat—has a fascinating history. First weird fact: A group of forty gerbils were
brought over for science folk to probe and figure out back in 1954, and almost
all commercially sold gerbils—for pets mind you…not a Lemmiwink adventure up
the alimentary canal, all gerbils for sale in the US are descended from these
40 gerbils. Secondly, they’re cute and they build nests and burrow. Thirdly,
they’re illegal in California. Apparently decimating crops is a “concern” to
some farmers. Whatev. My point? Root out your inner gerbil. He must be free.
Scorpio- Madcap: to be
recklessly wild, reckless, impulsive and/or rash; daredevil, harum-scarum,
possibly even hot headed lunacy, driven mad by powers out of our control. We
are reeds swaying with the current. In times of deluge, the reed must hold on
for dear life, and perhaps invent a plant based religion, in order to evolve to
the next---wait, wait…listen—do you smell something? Something maybe half baked?
Possibly scatter- and/or hare- brained? Oh, sorry that’s me. Point is, your cap
that makes you mad has a perfect fit; don’t even consider taking it off.
Passion should remain unfenced and unmolested by either government or villany.
Sagittarius- Sagittarius
is intelligent fire, the oldest of the fire signs, centered at a crucial
turning point in the year--the solstice. And we must transition into that from
the teenaged water sign of Scorpio. Marvelous, for those who love drama and
fire and ice. Scorp doesn't evolve into the elevated water of Pisces for three
more months. And surely, I could be seeing patterns in a chaotic soup that lacks
cohesive meaning, but posit anyway: since we created astrology, as a most
ancient skyclad love affair, aka old school digital entertainment-- the balance
point from your sign to the next--that axis is hella vital and cool, and angled
around 23 degrees...there be fissionable material in the generators next to which
you were born. Light the sky.
Capricorn- Your power animal for
the week is the capybara—alos known as the world’s largest rodent—way to
evolve, South America! Your continent is truly wondrous and strange. Google
this thing—it’s freaky cool. You will exist, as the capybara does, in an easy
going collective, where hierarchy is determined by playing and jostling and
well intentioned frivolity. And then we’ll all eat some grass together and play
rodentian board games. You particular capybara is named Onok-chi!, which means Pensive One Who Chews Like Cow. Your
crown weighs heavy, but your pack animal exterior is more than ready for the
burden. You are a giant rodent. Right on!
Aquarius- I have no idea why Little
Bunny Foo Foo was being such a dick to those stupid field mice. Yes, on one
level, the story seems to be about bullying. If you recall, the good fairy came
down and warned him, gave him three chances to NOT bop field mice on the head,
and then she turned him into a goon. Yeah, a goon. I don’t know what a goon is
either-- very confusing. Point is, maybe Bunny Foo Foo was trying to redress
past wrongs. Maybe it was a rabbit form of social protest. Maybe the field mice
were dicks. I don’t know. Maybe we only know a fraction about this reality, and
everything else is still conjecture. Keep up the sleuthing and delving.
Treasure is nigh, and shockingly at hand and well worth all the vexation and
hassle and troubles.
Pisces- The bulls are running
loose. You are Pamplona in early July. Before we get too deep tho—since 1910,
only 15 people have been killed in the running of tauric passions and fire and
summer heat. Granted, 2-3 hundred are injured every year, usually in some form
of goring, which is highly unpleasant, especially in the buttock area. Now…on
to deep shite. Happy birthday. AND, my sloppy obvious metaphor for you is this:
your inner bulls are set to be unleashed. It’s the time of the season for you.
Take precautions, but prepare for a hell of a ride. These bulls do hunt.