Wednesday, May 29, 2013

                     Dr. Pants McTurd's
            MORE Than True Horror-scopes
      (not associated with horror or scopes of any ilk)

Aries- I suspect you might like to, but you have never shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. You don’t really want to be stuck in Folsom Prison listening to trains going by filled with people having fun and travelling, who saw no need to gun anyone down just for kicks and shits and giggles. And the guy you want to shoot might even deserve it—that’s not my point is. My point is, is that there are better outcomes for your angst. I doubt you’ll ever be rid of it, but as an old guy once said, ‘There are alternatives to fighting’, and then another more handsome guy said, ‘Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid’. And that guy shot first and ended up in Folsom carbonite later. Here’s an idea: don’t take your guns to town, son, leave your guns at home, Bill. You’re an astronaut, not a mercenary. Act accordingly.

Taurus- Here’s why No Country For Old Men is a shitty movie: They get you caught up in Brolin’s story, and even if he’s not a good guy, we still want to know how his story is going to end. And then right when the shite is about to go down, they cut forward in time and show you the aftermath of what looked like a cool fight scene. And I get it—the story is about the old man and how there’s no country for him anymore because it’s just too violent—boo and hoo. Problem is, the old man is a minor character. Wtf happened to Brolin? How did friendo guy kill him? You dumped me off a cliff, Coens. Bah, I say, bah. Point is, this week don’t worry about Tommy Lee, but rather your own Brolin ass—get it to safety; get it to country that’s meant for the young at heart like yourself. 

Gemini- We need an away getaway, where warm trade winds blow off an ocean of no remorse, merely the ebbing and flowing with the gravity and earth and orbits and intertidal cosmic forces of a larger sea. An island, where anything grows, perhaps at times sans control, but one that is lush with the lushiest of lives and sandiest of beaches. Hard to reach fruit because of rocky travails confounding our steps would seem like a pleasure cruise. It’s your birthday time—a singular time of year when your emotional intelligence aligns with the intentions of a benevolent sun and a reinforced moon to Jupiter ratio. Transcendentalize this, hombre—travel deeply, be it in, or be it out—the world is yours. Drink till you are slaked.

Cancer- As a primer on the rate of change in our obviously short lives, I submit for your approval a 1974 commercial for Marathon candy bar, in which they tried to make a metaphor with marathons and sea voyages. They filmed on an actual replica of an 18th century naval vessel. Point of the name Marathon being that this particular candy bar just keeps going and going—perhaps the antecedent to the battery bunny, who knows---and never mind that they had an animation where the candy is coming out of the wrapper, and it looks like a really long turd. Point is, that seemed like a reasonable advertising ploy. This week, come in to the now century. Wrap yourself in a starship and futuristic hubba hubba. Leave the turds behind.

Leo- It’s time for you to be the philosopher king, the kung fu guy who’s walking the earth, the benevolent tyrant, a purveyor of violence and sex, but neither if it be truly harmful. Now is the time for that big stick and a soft step. Imminently, time will be nigh for you too embody restraint and wisdom and power and the ability to squash---maybe bugs, maybe mortal enemies. An eye no longer equals an eye on the open market, considering developing technologies that promise android Viagra and robotic livers. With great power comes great responsibility. Heavy lies the crown. Newtonian times, friendo…When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.” Wield wisely, and see ya on the other side of the coin. Or planet, or whatever.

Virgo- This week, you have the captain’s express permission to splice the mainbrace and partake, along with your crew—or posse if you’re a seasick landlubber, any number of grogs, glöggs, sex on beaches, orgasms—screaming or otherwise, boilermakers—from Indiana or elsewhere, hangman’s blood, brass monkeys, jaguar milks, gimlets, gibsons, gin fizzes—sloe or fast, salty dogs, pink ladies, bumbos, bushwackers, moscow mules, death in the afternoons, dirty white mothers, mama juanas, and/or buttery nipples. In the words of the probably immortal Danny Elfman, “celebrate while you still can, cause any second it may end, and when it’s over, said and done, better that you had some fun, so have a toast and down the cup, cause no one, no one, no one, no one, no one lives forever.”

Libra- Submitted for your approval: Lincoln related irony no. 23: Edwin Booth, the George Clooney of the 1860’s, as well as older brother to John Wilkes, shortly before the Lincoln assassination—saved Lincoln’s oldest son from an incident at a train station. The two happened to be near each other, when Robert Lincoln lost his balance and nearly fell onto the tracks as a train began to move. Furtherly more ironical, Robert Lincoln of course thanked Mr. Booth by name—Edwin, however had no idea at the time that it was the president’s son. As a side note, Edwin was not the schizoid nut his brother was. Point is, great mysteries are in front of you, if you can see the forest despite the trees, and the Presidents from the Providence.     

Scorpio- Mimas is one of Saturn’s moons, and here’s why it’s relevant to your gallivanting coffee drinking lifestyle: it has the largest crater, relative to its parent body, of all the craters in our solar system. The crater’s name is Herschel btw, and on an equivalent earth scale it would be as large as Canada. Its walls are 5km high, and we haven’t yet figured out how the impact didn’t destroy the whole kit and caboodle. It also looks real similar to the Death Star, despite the fact we didn’t get an image of it until 1980. Anyhoo, point is, either you have been similarly impacted or you are destined to be, and—you have and/or will survive, and probably go on to obscure fame, and hopefully fortune. Btw, Mimas in greek mythology was a son of Gaia who had serpents for legs—so…you have that going for you too. You’re indestructible…apparently.

Sagittarius- You’ve a knack for arrows and archery and aim, but despite the summer temps, the fog is pea soup thick, and what you thought was a good target may have been just a tree stump that someone used as a toilet. You could fire blindly into the miasma, your arrow possibly igniting the clouds with your inherent supersonic trans warp capabilities—but that may cause more damage than good. And sure, one could make the argument that arrows are let loose all the time in this world and who is anyone to say that You, or I, or the royal We are responsible? We are free, We are individuals, and Arrows are meant to be shot, else they lose their purpose and will and…freedom. You could also wait for the fog to clear, which is inevitable. Your call.

Capricorn- Most horoscopes promise you stuff, or achievements, or epiphanies—and sure as shite we all like to hear that there’s a trainload of good shit coming our way. But I—the Dr. Pants—am not here to bullshit you. Don’t misread—there might be a trainload coming your way---shite, maybe it’s loaded with angel farts and pants that really compliment your ass. Point is—maybe what’s coming is what you make for yourself. You’re the mayor—make the trains run on time and you and everybody else can bask in the glory of the iron horse’s hopefully not cursed gold. I hear your train a comin, it’s rollin’ ‘round the bend---but you ain’t stuck in Folsom Prison, so let that lonesome whistle blow your blues away. Be the train.

Aquarius- The only US president to have ever filed a patent is, no surprise here—Lincoln. It wasn’t for anything flashy—something about air filled bladders that would help lift boats out of muddy Midwestern rivers---I’m a doctor, not an engineer--, but here’s the point is: in 1858 he said, “Man is not the only animal who labors; but he is the only one who improves his workmanship.” What an egalitarian aquarian bastard, right? And he has the same birthday as Darwin? Frak---what have you and I done? Not nearly enough, I say. But then Lincoln and Darwin had no streaming Arrested Development to distract them. They also had long river and sea voyages to allow for well exercised thought experiments. Take a trip, free your mind, it has a wanderlust that needs to be fed.

Pisces- Your mission, and I suggest you shut up and take it, is to become the pasquino that you’ve been repressing in your innards for a time period exceeding even the most lenient of libraries. Start by visualizing the most absurd injustice in your life that has possibly plagued you since childhood. Then go to Italy, specifically to the Scior Carera in Milan. It’s a statue, but more than that, it’s a pasquinade—and by tradition, it is the recipient of anonymous satire, lampooning and pointed accusations regarding purposeful misconduct, that as a society we have decided are the unacceptable croutons in our al fresco salad. The present incongruities and injustices will no longer stand. Hear my silly words and promote change. Go now.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

                   Dr. Pants McTurd's
       MORE Than True Horror-scopes!
     (not associated with horror or scopes of any ilk)

Aries- According to data collected by several suspect companies with varying degrees of legality concerning your ‘rights’ to privacy, you may enjoy some or all of the following: nude waterskiing, eating raw oysters, happy endings, blue licorice, hard core political wonking, eel fishing, eel pies, board/drinking game nights filled with besotted jocund cage rattling, volcano hurdling, moon roping, badger games, wok juggling, Fish Fries®, mothers of invention, bluegrass music, tickle and/or pillow fights, and a peculiar desire to do what is right, for the many, the proud, the few, and hopefully the one. Everybody wins.

Taurus- Making up stupid words like fandabulous® is my english speaking right. We have craptastically® absurdly word usements and I dare say, I piffle you, sir, I piffle you all the way downtown. Rigidity is such a sedimentary concept. We are not rocks, we are not silicate or gemstones, neither plutonic nor volcanic. We are mostly empty space, you and I, as well as every iota and quantum of everything. Even your rocky substrate has more holes than a block of rat eaten cheese. For now, try being the top of the mountain—the part that sees erosion up close and personal every minute. Your dynamism is so much more active than the mere tectonic crawl and creep that seems the earth to be. Taste the air up there.  

Gemini- As you know, I, the Dr. Pants, see all. That being undisprovable, I pose this: I see something you’ve been avoiding. Maybe it’s a chore, something mundane like cleaning your bathtub or filing your taxes. Could be something momentous-- maybe you should consider getting a new state of mind; perhaps a new modality of though. I guarantee you’ve beat that horse to a faretheewell, so let’s go grab another palomino for the ride to the next frontier—to the next set of challenges and adventures. Unleash your ballast and unpack your saddlebags. The past is heavy and needs to left behind. The future is light like air, fringed with tingling and excitement for the newness of it all.

Cancer- In the immortal words of Joey Scarbury: ‘Look at what's happened to me, I can't believe it myself. Suddenly I'm up on top of the world, it should've been somebody else. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me. It's like a light of a new day, it came from out of the blue, breaking me out of the spell I was in, making all of my wishes come true. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free, flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me.’ Keep these lyrics in mind this week, save you they can.

Leo- Is it weird that id and ID are so similar? They’re both who you are, or at least a facet I guess... Your id is what you want, what you desire, regardless of whether it’s good for you. Your ID is proof you are who you say you are. Are we the composite of our wants? Do our desires define us? The answer is…sometimes. We are multi definitional and dimensional creatures, who are never just one thing at any one time. Our souls are savage and cannibalistic and crafty, and hopefully saintly and altruistic and replete with brotherly love. We’re also a hungry lot—for food, for spiritual sustenance, and for adventures on new frontiers. Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Find who you are and be that.

Virgo- A tiny piece of space dust travelling at 14,642 kph is on it’s way to your face. This particular matter is a refugee from the L972-G meteorite that is due in our upper atmo around 7pm PDT Friday night. It’s moving so fast, it will likely pass right through you. Yep, you heard right: a microscopic piece of space debris containing 23% radioactive graphite and a mix of aluminum oxide, iron and possibly selenium is on a direct course for your facial area. This piece of dust has been searching for you for countless centuries, having been reborn in countless nuclear furnaces, reincarnating itself with one purpose, one mission---to find you specifically and crash through your face. It should be painless. And probably life changing. The entire history of everything is soon to be part of you. Neat.

Libra- Handy legal tip no 23: if you and a pterosaur are involved in a car vs reptile collision, please have ready the following: name, address, dinosaur military rank and ID. I bring this up because if we’re going to start cloning our jurassic friends, I assume down the road, they’re gonna want to vote and drive and be out after curfew. And they’re sticklers for procedure and protocol. One time, in the past when I travelled the rails of the Dinosaur Train, I had a run-in with a half drunk quetzalcoatlus, who thought the left lane was a landing strip. Total legal nightmare—reptile insurance company lawyers are so cold blooded. So, in closing, beware all reptiles, especially the flying ones. Otherwise your upcoming week looks pretty sweet.

Scorpio- What I bagged for you this week is a super serious set of Lagrangian Points. Allow me to explicate. Firstly, everything is moving, so don’t be fooled, but when observing the orbits of say, the moon around earth, there are five points in the orbit, where math gets super neat. The geometry is beautiful. The five points are great spots to place satellites in geo-sync orbit. For example, the earth’s L1 point is the current home of the Heliospheric Observatory, with a perfect never obstructed view of the sun. Let’s find our mutual Lagrangian points, so we can stare at the sun together, unobstructed, entranced in orbit and free to be, you and me.

Sagittarius- I’m not here to debunk unassuming birthstones like chalcedony, which allegedly brings peace, security and happiness, at the same time removing fear, depression, mental disturbances and sadness, allowing anyone who wears it to be more open towards the inside sphere of life, as well as increasing mental stability and inner peace, while it enables our thoughts to become more visible, bringing our body, emotions and mind in harmony with the spirit, promoting emotional honesty and balance, vitality, stamina and increased life energy. But honestly---it’s a rock. It doesn’t do any of that---it’s a rock. However---not to be a pebble pooper, go ahead---try wearing some chalcedony around your pretty little neck. The rock can’t do all those things—but maybe you can. Dig deep.

Capricorn- What if, what if what we believe to be the afterlife becomes the afterlife, in the sense that our preconceived souls become the template for our next incarnation? So if you believe in guilt and absolution and saviors and martyrs---then that’s what you get. Personally, I believe nothing...relativistically speaking---I’m no nihilist, they’re just assholes without a work ethic...and I know we follow each other on®, so let’s be frank---not germanic, but honest...tell me, what do you believe? The answer matters not, but how you answer tells me everything....tell me---Actually, don’t. Words usually create trifles, not clarity. Belief is a multi faceted gem. Study it well before you assay any rocky pinnacles or conclusions. The unimaginable is malleable and friendly.

Aquarius- Your power word combo for the week is vainglory and wanderlust. Use them wisely as they pack quite a wallop, especially when used together as in ‘vainglorious wanderlust’; which are the potent forces that will drive your soul’s curiosity and craving for adventure, no matter how egocentric it may seem to an outsider. Everyone else can go take a dump this week, because you must have freedom, even if it has some vanity in it. Vanity is a two sided word, remember---ego, the I, the royal I and everyone else in your wack-a-doo head needs vanity to survive. Go---be who you are, be what you’re like, be like yourself, like only you can, and send me a postcard detailing your tour de fractals and forces.

Pisces- Nerd alert: one of the greatest dangers to our collective scientific mind that will engender and aid our survival is the plethora of bullshit science shows. Not just Ghost Trackers, or Martian Alien, or Area 51 Super Secrets; or some ass in a lab coat telling us that it’s possible the rock that looks like a pyramid on Mars was built by ancient Egyptian overlords from another galaxy who used humans as slave labor, inventing god along the way, as well as something called a Stargate hotwired by Richard Dean Anderson using only a toothpick and a wad of blue gum. Bullshit science that gives numskulls ideas about how the multiverse doesn’t work only function as an obstacle to truth. Teach science and support thinking. You are born for this. Stop buying fish and get your hands dirty teaching.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

                               Dr. Pants McTurd's
          MORE Than True Horror-scopes
              (not associated with horror or scopes of any ilk)
Aries-  Even easy going religions, like buddhism have been trying to find me lately. There have been several incidents of obvious symbolism invading my conscious arena in a not so understated manner. The ‘verse doesn’t often deliver such absurd symbolism to me unless there’s really something I need to know. So…after a weird couple of weeks/months/year or two, here’s what I have learned: if you lose your wallet, try to do it in front of a church. Odds are better that an ‘honest’ person will find it, take the time to track you down, calling your still in existence land line—crazy right? Returning the wallet to you, and eliminating the need for an actual trip to the DMV. Angels walk among us, apparently. Act accordingly.

Taurus- So, dude, I recently watched Sorcerer---You know, Roy Scheider, William Friedkin, and the way way way way way way way way way over-thunked plot silliness and giant special effects and explosions and jungle locations and oil rig fires and stories of moderate human redemption, and oh yeah, the monster truck things crossing narrow mountainous roads and rope bridges and flooded rivers, and guys with cool accents and mucho manicured mustachios. Actually a pretty cool movie, the parts that made sense anyway…Friedkin was Spielberg before Spielberg was Spielberg. Right now, you genius SOB, you are about to start filming French Connection, so you’re basically fuckin’ set. Party on, Mr. Hackman.

Gemini- Don’t let any electric windbags or automatic doorbell ding dongs distract you from your present course. The shenanigans they offer seem intriguing, but are designed only to befuddle and waste your time. Instead, take a moment, metaphorically go downtown, find yourself a cool leather jacket, buy an old but repairable motorbike, read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig, don’t forget to gas up, and let the fools and parade pissers flounder in your literal wake. Be the path, and ignore the douchebaggery. Don’t suffer fools—let ‘god’ sort ‘em out.

Cancer- Dear Reader, as you know, the Dr. Pants is normally all up in your face and/or grill, brutally honest, and sans fear of etiquette, protocol or zombiepocalyptic® outcomes; where society breaks down Lord of The Flies style and poor Piggy has to eat a rock with his face; and the glasses are broken and that’s how they made fire, so even if we catch a boar, they won’t be able to cook it. What a pisser. Okay, so—mob mentality and rule by law stolen by either strength or money, are not necessarily good ways to run a railroad. However, in this moment, you are not Piggy. You’re not even Ralph Wiggum. You’re the adults who got to the island just in time to prevent further killing in the name of no reason. Help us save all of us.

Leo- What the fudge is up with the word buy anyway? Why does it rhyme with by? Or bye for that matter? By and by, and buy and buy, and then bye bye, and buy bonds. Doesn’t anybody give a crap about the silly sounding buoy?? Boy, oh boy, oh baa baa buoy. And then boa crawled into the room. Whoa---it suddenly got very confusing and scaley in here. Way and weigh, wait and weight are also on my short list of usual suspects. However, that’s what makes english the coolest lingo on anyone’s tongue. It sucks up words from other languages whenever it feels like it. I bring this up because you will advantage yourself by embraceably tackling any upcoming confusion and orally related obstacles. When in doubt, don’t fumble, just mumble---sotto voce style, incognito and unrepentant.

Virgo- This week, prepare thyself for a lot—and I mean a lot of themes and motifs dealing with deer penis; which according to some cultures holds healing and nutritional properties; just like turtle blood and tiger penis. Maybe Charlie Sheen had the right idea, but the wrong animal part. But keep in mind that the deer penis of the future is probably digital. So, the deer can keep their real penises, and we can invent a sustainable way to get pumped up on the blood and animal parts that inspired Viagra. We don’t have to espouse the antiquated cenozoic notion of an eye for an eye, nor even junk for junk. Your mojo is totemically composed of zeroes and ones and lucky sevens. Drink of the cybernated tiger blood. Do it now!

Libra- Spellcheck knows who Steven Spielberg is. I recently found this out when I mis-typed, and Spellcheck immediately knew who I meant. Point is, who else does Spellcheck know? Should I be gathering a coalition? Or creating my own private ‘army’—maybe buy some desert land and start a cult---that worships the sun! Or maybe sand—lots of that shit out there… Will Spellcheck eventually know me? There’s only one Dr. Pants McTurd in the world currently—the other Dr. Pants’s were mostly lost at sea. Point is, when you say the word, you and I, we bail, then snatch up some property in Hawaii. Maybe Guam, we’ll chat and research—and then we’ll live all jungle like—with WiFi of course and air conditioning---but then you know, a garden and stuff. Spellcheck is almost on to our game—be ready when it happens, somehow, and we can start our own matrix/cult.

Scorpio- You are no ordinary chrondite. Your chrondules are super molten and probably as radioactive as a truckload of selenium 77. Your silicate is hella olivine and pyroxenic, I would even go so far as to say feldspathic. And I don’t say that to just any ol’ geology major, nuh-uh, no sir. The sound barrier hasn’t been the same since you broke atmo. You’re literally insterstellar, intergalactic, and born ‘mongst stars, forged in incredible heat; and crash landed here some 15,000 years ago, found by some dude in Mongolia a thousand years ago, who carved you into a statue of Buddha, which wasn’t found again til the 1920’s. You are a god carved from space god rocks. Shine on you crazy chrondite.

Sagittarius- You’re an unlikely cowboy, a rescuer of the ill framed, and upholder of rights for those less endowed with either physical or mental prowess. You’re no savior—let’s not get ahead of ourselves—but you have a knack, a talent-- a certain je ne sais quoi—I don’t know what; like you’re a maverick that gives a shit. Like Kung Fu, and you’re just wandering the earth---and thwarting bad guys along the way, A Team style. You’re no Jules Winnfield —your wallet don’t say bad ass mofo on it or anything. Grow up, put your anger aside and travel, even if only in your mind. Imagine and create and engender justice. You’re genius at it.

Capricorn- You’re the only one trying to poop on this picnic here, pal. The weather seems plentiful and even though your worldview is strange and located at high altitudes and usually smells of goat hair—no offense, it’s cool, whatevs; but this picnic is about eating outside for some reason, checking out a vista of some kind while eating premade sandwiches, or maybe cold chicken with coleslaw, which I always despised—it looks like it’s already been eaten once before in my humble ass opinion. Unnecessary and slimey? No thank you. Point is, listen up, turkey: Summer’s here, processed meat tubes are grilling and the SPF is like OMG. Okay? So...
do you want the chicken salad or the tuna fish? Bring a flask.

Aquarius- Annie Edison Taylor was the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim across the English Channel. Junko Tabei was the first woman to scale Everest. Sally Ride---first woman in space. My point to you Aquarii is that regardless of your current genital situation, this is an excellent time to be the first at something unbelievable. So unbelievable in fact, that you may have to do it a second time in front of a witness for anyone to believe it. To save yourself the time, set up a camera and record your upcoming first. Maybe you’ll finally clean the bathroom. Maybe you’ll be the first person on Mars, the truth lying hopefully between those two poles. Dream big. Go bold. Grab cleaning supplies. And put on your scrubbin’ pants!

Pisces- Someday, you and I---we’ll take part in a giant monkey wedding. There will be lemurs and orangutans, and bonobos and other somewhat related rodentine outlaws gnawing and conniving their way into a rather flourishing existence that makes perfect sense given their innate gnawing and sneaking talents; based on what environment dictates of course, as well as the availability and endurability of previous models that survived every oncoming cataclysm, from plague to drought to over abundance of certain chemicals known by the state of California to cause rectal cancer, and/or impermanence of being, aka non-corporeality; and covering our collective and individual butts, from ruin and/or damnation; and yet nay and nevertheless, I say to thee: get ready for the party; break out your monkey wine, put on your red shoes and dance the blues.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

                       Dr. Pants McTurd's
          MORE Than True Horror-scopes
      (not associated with horror or scopes of any ilk)

Aries- You are an impossible bridge; somehow spanning the chemical change from watery Pisces to incendiary Aries, and then magically transitioning earthward into immature Taurus. Fire is a catalyst; a catalyst is change, or an agent of change—a facilitator, a negotiator—an alchemist. It’s as if matter passes through you and coalesces and disbands and forms something new, like Wings…you are the man-on-the-run; the rain’s about to explode with a mighty crash and the rabbit’s on the run. Your birth is the equinox, your sleight of hand is perceptible only to the observant and wise. Don’t hold your fire. The congregation awaits the conflagration.

Taurus- I have no idea why Little Bunny Foo Foo was such a dick to those stupid field mice. Yes, on one level, the story seems to be about bullying. If you recall, the good fairy came down and warned him-- gave him three chances to NOT bop field mice on the head, and then she turned him into a goon. Yeah, I don’t know what a goon is either-- very confusing. Point is, maybe Bunny Foo Foo was trying to redress past wrongs. Maybe it was a rabbit form of social protest. Maybe the field mice were dicks. I don’t know. Maybe we only know a fraction about this reality, and everything else is still conjecture. Keep up the delving and sleuthing. Treasure is nigh, and shockingly at hand and well worth all the vexation and hassle. Bop away.

Gemini- It’s nearing your birthday times and I want to be the first to say, that I’m glad you’re here and thankful for your presence; but we have serious work to do, so let us to the brassiest of tacks and/or the nittiest of gritty. Being an air sign carries significant weight despite the inferred implication that air has very little mass; unless you wake up on Saturn, but that being the case, your head would explode like a squashed grape. Point is, air signs inevitably finds themselves in the future; it’s what we do. Your future, like Yoda’s is based in emotion. Now…like Yoda, I’m advising that you make decisions based on the Force, and not the stank of your coital onion or tuber. You dig? Be cool, be wise, and dig beyond the amygdala. 

Cancer- Our ongoing logomachy is absurd and pointless and defeats our purpose; which is love. Period. Or at least love based. The variances and variables regarding the word usements we continue to abuse reminds me that we are kindred souls who have a breakdown in the communicative arena. Hypothetically, you stop correcting the genius around you, and I will try to ride the wave of your emotional logistics; and hey, maybe we can find some common ground that will involve intimacy and naked shower time sans shame and guilt. The Middle Path is weird. Prep yourself. 

Leo- The odds of seeing a feral camel in the southwestern United States are not good. After a brief attempt at military use in the 1800’s, a few escaped camels did turn wild, but eventually dwindled to a number that camel enthusiasts refer to as a zero sum game. No more American wild camels--what a pisser. Howsomever, and I don’t want hype your high hawmped hopes to gullible bactrian heights here, but this week you have an excellent chance of randomly bumping into one of these freaky ungulates. When you do, remember: this is your power animal---follow it. If you can, bring some water for yourself, for this magically humped beast may lead you on quite a journey. Maybe even to the top and/or depths of your known demesne.

Virgo- No one can predict the future. I mean--I can, but without me, you’re up Crap Creek and it’s heavy deep in frog mating season. Your future is barreling at you like the accidental drop of a toilet seat that wakes everybody in the freakin’ house. And we all know you’re the klutzy Ahole; the same jerk who one time woke up peeing into the washing machine and doing worse in the dryer. As always I’m replete with caveats, so feel free to unbelieve the following: I could tell you your future, but you won’t believe it—my own Cassandra Complex. There’s 12 monkeys on your back that prevent me from telling you how close you are to a hidden booty of the most divine nacre; so prepare to get lacquered, smackered and totally tally wackered. Revelations will appear, like ghosts exiting the machine.

Libra- Statistically, more blueberry muffins are sold in the world than any other kind. Before we debate, let me hit you with an evolutionary viewing area. Blueberries are the most economically adapted to our societal, cultural, and dietary needs more than any other fruit-- at least in terms of muffins. Sure... an apple muffin, a cran-upsidedown-pineapple, or my personal preference, chocolate chocolate chip with added chocolate chunks and pieces of dark chocolate covered chocolate beans, would be swell and/or nifty, but they’re a niche market. Blueberries have cornered the market in the muffin world. They are the Google. They’re the Apple and Microsoft. The Corleone family. Blueberries are powerful entities steeped in primordial bogs. Be the berry. Be the bog. Dominate the evolution.

Scorpio- Your rent check on Area 51 bounced and I’m afraid that all your secrets are now subject to a wider viewing audience. We know you’ve got aliens in there and probably the ship they rode in on. The good news is that the public at large is approaching mental readiness to accept proof, no longer requiring a shield from whatever it is that you been hiding in your shame closet for far too long. Show me the aliens, we can take it! It’s inconceivable that aliens don’t exist---life must evolve in other places, along the same principles as on earth. The universe is ridiculously large, so odds are good that whatever you got, I’ve seen before—maybe not literally, but across a dimension of empathy and pure love that permeates every level of the multiverse. Turn your Area 51 into a park, and let’s picnic.

Sagittarius- Someday, you and I---we’ll take part in a grand monkey wedding. There will be lemurs and orangutans, and bonobos and other related rodentian outlaw cousins, gnawing and conniving their way into a flourishing existence that makes perfect sense, given their mandibular talents; based on what environment dictates of course, as well as the availability and efficacy of previous models that survived every oncoming cataclysm, from plague to drought to over abundance of certain chemicals, known by the state of California to cause rectal cancer, and/or impermanence of being, aka non-corporeality; and covering our collective and individual butts from ruin and/or damnation; and yet nay and nevertheless, I say to thee: get ready for the party; break out your monkey wine, put on your red shoes and prepare thyself to dance the blues.

Capricorn- The Three Laws of Robotics, as laid down by the great and wise Asimov are: 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. And 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. And despite some semantics that might gum up the philosophical works, it all seems pretty simple. How the three laws turn against us in 2046, when robot servants develop ids and egos, and rise up and enslave humankind—well, it just breaks my heart…all rules and laws will be broken. It’s not an if, it’s a when—it’s math. Rules are destined to be broken. Deal with chaos.

Aquarius- Our ongoing logomachy seems bilious and fatuous, and the horse seems super dead, so let’s grab some decent tequila and head for the proverbial hills; for there be hillbilly moonshinin’ about; and your jackelopian appendages stink of prairie wind and freedom and s’mores, and liberation from old school thinking that involves neither the new math nor a penchant for over-thinking, as you are prone to do…so, here’s my advice, and considering I’m also an aquarii, best you listen hard: your power old school intellectual for the week is—Petrarch. I suggest you look up how he fell in love—it’s important, because of your upcoming attractions, i.e. the future, of which I see tons of shit---batten your hatches.

Pisces- Shuttlepipes and shuttlecocks are not mutually exclusive; they’re more like removed second cousins. You’re more a hammered dulcimer, not one that’s over the edge, just one that enjoys a few mint juleps before bed, and occasional champagne upon waking, on a sun filled morning full of intended and well deserved gad-abouting, ‘midst warm tangled sheets and warm company.  The sweet and sad strings of the lira de braccio are only notes for cloudy afternoons full of brandy and wine and considering the softer side of the ‘verse. The hurdy gurdy can wait for a more proper occasion with added strudel. You are an intricate piece of musical mouth machinery. Blow, strum, harmonize, and percuss; because we’re all anxious for your beautiful lips, dangerous hips and dulcet tones.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

            Dr. Pants McTurd's
     MORE Than True Horror-scopes
         (not associated with horror or scopes of any ilk)
Aries- Posit: Tina Turner created a dome of thunder. Khan via Coleridge decided a pleasure dome was much a much more enlightened pursuit, despite what in modern times we’d call gender and race inequality in the pursuit of building such a decree. Your power dome of the week bulges skyward somewhere in betwixt. Whether you’re Enchanted Mtn., or the Treasury of Atreus; the Baths of Agrippa or the Pantheon---hell, the Louisiana Superdome is in need of your tender ministrations. What’s key here, is that you have the choice of building materials. Your dome could even be multi-purpose, like a high school gym. I don’t know—it’s YOUR STUPID DOME. And whether you live it from the inside out, or scale its granite surface towards perfect solar ascension---make your own dome a reflection of your soul, and build high.

Taurus- Orison--as in an attempt to contact a deity directly, as in prayer or ritual sacrifice or some -ism in between…is the only reason I am not a full blown atheist. For example, Kraknor the Babylonian God of Poop, is not a figure that I believe exists in real time---However, the object of the orison is not the point. The question is: can we affect the physical timespace we exist in by the power of desire and/or thought? Even if we’re praying for something that makes no sense, like I pray that my cat turns into a dragon; or I pray that I get taller. You can’t affect things that are innately inane and pointless; but what if I prayed for cancer to be cured? Or for poverty to end. These are in the realm of the possible, and maybe we can affect spacetime and the ensuing order of events. How far we can warp and wrap our wills to the task, is for you to find out. Don’t find god. God is will. Find a way. And go to there.

Gemini- In the world of today now times, as opposed to ye olde timey times, which are now floating back and up stream, and diagonal to our current course and present purpose; case in point: Ain’t Too Proud to Beg seemed like a good song title. But now, honestly—if I’m begging you to stay, I’m probably asking for something I don’t really want, that will undoubtedly mushroom into a post amorous crockpot of clusterfuckery®, when you begrudgingly acquiesce, probably in an effort to shut me up. Did begging really work back in the day? That’s how you know a partner is sincere? And what kind of person wants a lover to beg, like a common tatterdemalion wanting a bit more of your dyspeptic gruel…where was I? Oh yeah,…Don’t bother to beg, borrow or steal. What you truly love will come to you, probably because you unconsciously conjure it.

Cancer- The question that will prove integral to your upcoming week is this: do zombies get aroused when they watch zombie porn? Likewise, do zombies only experience arousal from living naked brains, with their gooey gooey sweetness? Thirdly, will zombie porn leave Los Angeles, if we pass an ordinance requiring zombies to wear condoms? Fourth estatishly, once you’re dead—or undead I guess, is there any need for prophylactics? Can zombies have babies? Can a zombie baby actually turn out not undead, and live a normal life? Do zombies make good parents? Should zombies be required to have a photo ID in case they’re stopped by law enforcement? Are we headed for a zombie state? Should I call Fox News immediately? Ponder all of this shite and get back to me pronto and stat and asap. We’re all counting on you.

Leo- Ahead, LION, there lieth in wait, a fork- a disjointing one that will facetize® your singular road and splinter your reality. Don’t hate the messenger on this one---if you asked Einstein, he might very well say that there is only one reality, one in which your ‘will’ is both choosing and not choosing everything in the wake of your future self—But wait…back to the fork: One tine will be the primrose path, and the other will be the garden path. The fine line between them is smaller than a quantum of quarks, so unless you’ve got access to a supercollider, don’t fret. One is pleasure and the other is a surprise—usually a good one—very Fantasy Island...Einstein might even posit that you will take both roads—all roads, because your reality is never singular. You are multi; even if you’re blithely unaware. Also possibly Einstein: divide and experience, and divide again.

Virgo- Turns out, I’m a plant guy- natural green thumb, and I’ve had this philodendron for like 25 years. I found it in a state of decay and kept it, mostly because its stems are a bloody red, which compliment its leafy green lushness. And the other day this mortal thought occurred inside my brain goo: this plant may outlive me. Firstly if I don’t keep an eye on it, it may literally take over my house and strangle me in the night. Secondish, there are many plants with life cycles much longer than me. Plants were on this earth before mankind, and will survive our reign of polluted ice-melting terror. Plants love carbon, especially in gaseous form. They will eventually start life all over again, and on and on and onward, til the sun gives out, or we collide with another galaxy or brane or donut shaped bubble wormhole thingy…Thirdly…relax, you-- go get some houseplants, and just breathe on ‘em for awhile. Commune with your elders.

Libra- If someone tells you, ‘You’re no Jack Kennedy’--your response shouldn’t be sheepish, coy or dumbfaced. You look ‘em right in their beady shrunken eyeholes and say, ‘Yeah? I’m also not a guy who’s pretty much already decided to punch you in your fat face right now’. If you say this in a calm and overly confident manner, you will become the new monkey king; and from there on out, your airborne feces won’t stink; they will in fact, be praised. I’m not saying, HOWEVER, that there isn’t a time and place for shutting yer big yap, and quietly moving on to fight another day, preferably after a quick arms race, ensuring your vainglorious victory, rather than a quick solution to an early grave—politically speaking of course. This week, you will exercise both: Quiet as a churchmouse one minute, and then rampant like a pooping monkey king the next.
Weird, but fun.

Scorpio- Not to alarum you, but your grunion are due for a serious run..-nion. (Ha.) For those unfamiliar with this lusty So Cal event, the grunion is a small fish that spawns on the beaches in droves. The smell of fish sex is indecently prominent, so I suggest a mask as well as hip waders, which should also protect you from all the extra fish fluids—it can get squishy. The females rush onshore, dig a hole, lay some eggs, and then are bombarded by hundreds of male applicants--at high tide btw, and for the next twelve hours until the tide goes out. It’s exhausting, but apparently effective. My point is not about your fishy sex life—but rather all the prep time leading up to the night of the spawning. Ritual creating belief, and emotions—environment and free will with equal flow of energy betwixt---…pretty rad.

Sagittarius- Your own personal Icelandic Cod War is now coming home to roost and spread eagle the swift arm of aggressive military-style justice across your fertile seas and nascent bodies of lush verdancy. There be fishing rights in and around your territorial waters that are in legal dispute amongst nations who possess larger armies than yours; especially considering you have no draft and no standing army. You are Iceland, surrounded by fish—and volcanoes; and the local ex-Viking tribes want to dip a pole in your protein farm in the hopes of a mouthful of yummy yummy fish guts and meat. I envy you; in much the same way I envy Thor Heyerdahl. Wouldn’t want to actually be him—too Nordic, but still…you are precipiced edgewise of dangerous beauty and scandalous verisimilitude. The Cod War is imminent, but fret not—the fish are on your side and the waters are warm—for Iceland anyway...Happy angling!

Capricorn- Your power avian of the week is the bobolink and here’s why goddammit. Actually wait, I have a better one, you mountain goat son of a bitch, you. Cautious most of the time, constantly studying the landscape, which is rocky and craggy btw and not for the drunk of heart. But here’s the pink of it—when you goats make a move, it is calculated and sure footed and momentous. The world shifts with you, from the force of your feet. Animal vs rock; and both usually dressing future battle scars, fitting reminders of how important our chess moves should be---or can be---and hey, sometimes they’re sloppy and grossly misunderestimated and erronically® calculated, sure. Sometimes one has to jump more quickly than one would like. I’m not sayin get ready, but you should be at least on top of: one for the money, two for the---…

Aquarius- Here’s why Lucas may be the dumbest genius ever. He dreams up rad awesome names like Skywalker and Han Solo, and then pisses me off with names like Porkins—an X-wing pilot, who just happens to resemble a pig---no offense, Mr. Hootkins—you’re a rad fucking gentleman. And then there’s Captain Binaca. Binaca. Really? Like the breath spray? Marvelous. But then, get this: Yoda’s original name was Minch—as in mensch, a Yiddish word for a person of integrity and honor—c’mon. Salacious B Crumb, also dumb. And Darth Sidious? Like, oooh, I bet he’s insidious--duh. Really? And why is Jimmy Smits in Star Wars anyway? And likewise why is Wynona Ryder Spock’s mom? What’s my rambling point? Don’t be a dumb genius that makes obviously silly choices. You’re clever; find another way to be smart for the public good.

Pisces- I know you’re a detail oriented person, so I want to alert you specifically to the bounty of juicy gooeyness and mirth en route to you and your face even as you read these word usements. So, let’s get nitty and/or gritty, down to the brassiest of tacks, the bottommest of lines, the crustiest if cruxes—where was I? Oh yes, the booty and bounty—shit, wait---I just realized I might put in jeopardy the existential potentialism of the magical shit coming your way if I tell you exactly when it’s coming—part of the (bullshit) irony this particular section of the multiverse rejoices in, right? So…good things coming, not sure when—but soon…I think, and wow—looks great from where I’m sitting, so just cross your fingers, and forget you read this and scoot your cute bottom on down the road. See ya around the bend, where there’s ample sunshine ahead.