Dr. Pants McTurd's
MORE Than True
(not associated with horror
or scopes of any ilk)
Aries- According
to data collected by several suspect companies with varying degrees of legality
concerning your ‘rights’ to privacy, you may enjoy some or all of the
following: nude waterskiing, eating raw oysters, happy endings, blue licorice,
hard core political wonking, eel fishing, eel pies, board/drinking game nights
filled with besotted jocund cage rattling, volcano hurdling, moon roping,
badger games, wok juggling, Fish Fries®, mothers of invention, bluegrass music,
tickle and/or pillow fights, and a peculiar desire to do what is right, for the
many, the proud, the few, and hopefully the one. Everybody wins.
Taurus- Making up
stupid words like fandabulous® is my
english speaking right. We have craptastically® absurdly word usements and I
dare say, I piffle you, sir, I piffle you all the way downtown. Rigidity is
such a sedimentary concept. We are not rocks, we are not silicate or gemstones,
neither plutonic nor volcanic. We are mostly empty space, you and I, as well as
every iota and quantum of everything. Even your rocky substrate has more holes
than a block of rat eaten cheese. For now, try being the top of the
mountain—the part that sees erosion up close and personal every minute. Your
dynamism is so much more active than the mere tectonic crawl and creep that
seems the earth to be. Taste the air up there.
Gemini- As you
know, I, the Dr. Pants, see all. That being undisprovable, I pose this: I see
something you’ve been avoiding. Maybe it’s a chore, something mundane like
cleaning your bathtub or filing your taxes. Could be something momentous--
maybe you should consider getting a new state of mind; perhaps a new modality
of though. I guarantee you’ve beat that horse to a faretheewell, so let’s go
grab another palomino for the ride to the next frontier—to the next set of
challenges and adventures. Unleash your ballast and unpack your saddlebags. The
past is heavy and needs to left behind. The future is light like air, fringed
with tingling and excitement for the newness of it all.
Cancer- In the
immortal words of Joey Scarbury: ‘Look at what's
happened to me, I can't believe it myself. Suddenly I'm up on top of the world,
it should've been somebody else. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never
thought I could feel so free. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it
be? Believe it or not it's just me. It's like a light of a new day, it came
from out of the blue, breaking me out of the spell I was in, making all of my
wishes come true. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could
feel so free, flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it
or not it's just me.’ Keep these lyrics in mind this week, save you they can.
Leo- Is it weird that id and ID are so similar? They’re both
who you are, or at least a facet I guess... Your id is what you want, what you
desire, regardless of whether it’s good for you. Your ID is proof you are who
you say you are. Are we the composite of our wants? Do our desires define us?
The answer is…sometimes. We are multi definitional and dimensional creatures,
who are never just one thing at any one time. Our souls are savage and
cannibalistic and crafty, and hopefully saintly and altruistic and replete with
brotherly love. We’re also a hungry lot—for food, for spiritual sustenance, and
for adventures on new frontiers. Do not go
gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage,
rage against the dying of the light. Find who you are and be that.
Virgo- A tiny
piece of space dust travelling at 14,642 kph is on it’s way to your face. This
particular matter is a refugee from the L972-G meteorite that is due in our
upper atmo around 7pm PDT Friday night. It’s moving so fast, it will likely
pass right through you. Yep, you heard right: a microscopic piece of space
debris containing 23% radioactive graphite and a mix of aluminum oxide, iron
and possibly selenium is on a direct course for your facial area. This piece of
dust has been searching for you for countless centuries, having been reborn in
countless nuclear furnaces, reincarnating itself with one purpose, one
mission---to find you specifically and crash through your face. It should be
painless. And probably life changing. The entire history of everything is soon
to be part of you. Neat.
Libra- Handy legal tip no 23: if you and a pterosaur are involved
in a car vs reptile collision, please have ready the following: name, address,
dinosaur military rank and ID. I bring this up because if we’re going to start
cloning our jurassic friends, I assume down the road, they’re gonna want to
vote and drive and be out after curfew. And they’re sticklers for procedure and
protocol. One time, in the past when I travelled the rails of the Dinosaur
Train, I had a run-in with a half drunk quetzalcoatlus, who
thought the left lane was a landing strip. Total legal nightmare—reptile
insurance company lawyers are so cold blooded. So, in closing, beware all
reptiles, especially the flying ones. Otherwise your upcoming week looks pretty
Scorpio- What I
bagged for you this week is a super serious set of Lagrangian Points. Allow me
to explicate. Firstly, everything is moving, so don’t be fooled, but when
observing the orbits of say, the moon around earth, there are five points in
the orbit, where math gets super neat. The geometry is beautiful. The five
points are great spots to place satellites in geo-sync orbit. For example, the
earth’s L1 point is the current home of the Heliospheric
Observatory, with a perfect never obstructed view of the sun. Let’s find our
mutual Lagrangian points, so we can stare at the sun together, unobstructed,
entranced in orbit and free to be, you and me.
Sagittarius- I’m not
here to debunk unassuming birthstones like chalcedony, which allegedly brings peace, security and happiness, at the same time
removing fear, depression, mental disturbances and sadness, allowing anyone who
wears it to be more open towards the inside sphere of life, as well as
increasing mental stability and inner peace, while it enables our thoughts to
become more visible, bringing our body, emotions and mind in harmony with the
spirit, promoting emotional honesty and balance, vitality, stamina and
increased life energy. But honestly---it’s a rock. It doesn’t do any of
that---it’s a rock. However---not to be a pebble pooper, go ahead---try wearing
some chalcedony around your pretty little neck. The rock can’t do all those
things—but maybe you can. Dig deep.
Capricorn- What if, what if what we believe to be the afterlife
becomes the afterlife, in the sense that our preconceived souls become the template
for our next incarnation? So if you believe in guilt and absolution and saviors
and martyrs---then that’s what you get. Personally, I believe
nothing...relativistically speaking---I’m no nihilist, they’re just assholes
without a work ethic...and I know we follow each other on soultwitter.com®, so
let’s be frank---not germanic, but honest...tell me, what do you believe? The
answer matters not, but how you answer tells me everything....tell
me---Actually, don’t. Words usually create trifles, not clarity. Belief is a
multi faceted gem. Study it well before you assay any rocky pinnacles or
conclusions. The unimaginable is malleable and friendly.
Aquarius- Your power
word combo for the week is vainglory and
wanderlust. Use them wisely as they
pack quite a wallop, especially when used together as in ‘vainglorious
wanderlust’; which are the potent forces that will drive your soul’s curiosity
and craving for adventure, no matter how egocentric it may seem to an outsider.
Everyone else can go take a dump this week, because you must have freedom, even
if it has some vanity in it. Vanity is a two sided word, remember---ego, the I,
the royal I and everyone else in your wack-a-doo head needs vanity to survive.
Go---be who you are, be what you’re like, be like yourself, like only you can,
and send me a postcard detailing your tour de fractals and forces.
Pisces- Nerd alert: one of the greatest dangers to our collective
scientific mind that will engender and aid our survival is the plethora of
bullshit science shows. Not just Ghost Trackers, or Martian Alien, or Area 51 Super
Secrets; or some ass in a lab coat telling us that it’s possible the rock that
looks like a pyramid on Mars was built by ancient Egyptian overlords from
another galaxy who used humans as slave labor, inventing god along the way, as
well as something called a Stargate hotwired by Richard Dean Anderson using
only a toothpick and a wad of blue gum. Bullshit science that gives numskulls
ideas about how the multiverse doesn’t work only function as an obstacle to
Teach science and support thinking.
You are born for this. Stop buying fish and get your hands dirty teaching.
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