Wednesday, May 29, 2013

                     Dr. Pants McTurd's
            MORE Than True Horror-scopes
      (not associated with horror or scopes of any ilk)

Aries- I suspect you might like to, but you have never shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. You don’t really want to be stuck in Folsom Prison listening to trains going by filled with people having fun and travelling, who saw no need to gun anyone down just for kicks and shits and giggles. And the guy you want to shoot might even deserve it—that’s not my point is. My point is, is that there are better outcomes for your angst. I doubt you’ll ever be rid of it, but as an old guy once said, ‘There are alternatives to fighting’, and then another more handsome guy said, ‘Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid’. And that guy shot first and ended up in Folsom carbonite later. Here’s an idea: don’t take your guns to town, son, leave your guns at home, Bill. You’re an astronaut, not a mercenary. Act accordingly.

Taurus- Here’s why No Country For Old Men is a shitty movie: They get you caught up in Brolin’s story, and even if he’s not a good guy, we still want to know how his story is going to end. And then right when the shite is about to go down, they cut forward in time and show you the aftermath of what looked like a cool fight scene. And I get it—the story is about the old man and how there’s no country for him anymore because it’s just too violent—boo and hoo. Problem is, the old man is a minor character. Wtf happened to Brolin? How did friendo guy kill him? You dumped me off a cliff, Coens. Bah, I say, bah. Point is, this week don’t worry about Tommy Lee, but rather your own Brolin ass—get it to safety; get it to country that’s meant for the young at heart like yourself. 

Gemini- We need an away getaway, where warm trade winds blow off an ocean of no remorse, merely the ebbing and flowing with the gravity and earth and orbits and intertidal cosmic forces of a larger sea. An island, where anything grows, perhaps at times sans control, but one that is lush with the lushiest of lives and sandiest of beaches. Hard to reach fruit because of rocky travails confounding our steps would seem like a pleasure cruise. It’s your birthday time—a singular time of year when your emotional intelligence aligns with the intentions of a benevolent sun and a reinforced moon to Jupiter ratio. Transcendentalize this, hombre—travel deeply, be it in, or be it out—the world is yours. Drink till you are slaked.

Cancer- As a primer on the rate of change in our obviously short lives, I submit for your approval a 1974 commercial for Marathon candy bar, in which they tried to make a metaphor with marathons and sea voyages. They filmed on an actual replica of an 18th century naval vessel. Point of the name Marathon being that this particular candy bar just keeps going and going—perhaps the antecedent to the battery bunny, who knows---and never mind that they had an animation where the candy is coming out of the wrapper, and it looks like a really long turd. Point is, that seemed like a reasonable advertising ploy. This week, come in to the now century. Wrap yourself in a starship and futuristic hubba hubba. Leave the turds behind.

Leo- It’s time for you to be the philosopher king, the kung fu guy who’s walking the earth, the benevolent tyrant, a purveyor of violence and sex, but neither if it be truly harmful. Now is the time for that big stick and a soft step. Imminently, time will be nigh for you too embody restraint and wisdom and power and the ability to squash---maybe bugs, maybe mortal enemies. An eye no longer equals an eye on the open market, considering developing technologies that promise android Viagra and robotic livers. With great power comes great responsibility. Heavy lies the crown. Newtonian times, friendo…When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.” Wield wisely, and see ya on the other side of the coin. Or planet, or whatever.

Virgo- This week, you have the captain’s express permission to splice the mainbrace and partake, along with your crew—or posse if you’re a seasick landlubber, any number of grogs, glöggs, sex on beaches, orgasms—screaming or otherwise, boilermakers—from Indiana or elsewhere, hangman’s blood, brass monkeys, jaguar milks, gimlets, gibsons, gin fizzes—sloe or fast, salty dogs, pink ladies, bumbos, bushwackers, moscow mules, death in the afternoons, dirty white mothers, mama juanas, and/or buttery nipples. In the words of the probably immortal Danny Elfman, “celebrate while you still can, cause any second it may end, and when it’s over, said and done, better that you had some fun, so have a toast and down the cup, cause no one, no one, no one, no one, no one lives forever.”

Libra- Submitted for your approval: Lincoln related irony no. 23: Edwin Booth, the George Clooney of the 1860’s, as well as older brother to John Wilkes, shortly before the Lincoln assassination—saved Lincoln’s oldest son from an incident at a train station. The two happened to be near each other, when Robert Lincoln lost his balance and nearly fell onto the tracks as a train began to move. Furtherly more ironical, Robert Lincoln of course thanked Mr. Booth by name—Edwin, however had no idea at the time that it was the president’s son. As a side note, Edwin was not the schizoid nut his brother was. Point is, great mysteries are in front of you, if you can see the forest despite the trees, and the Presidents from the Providence.     

Scorpio- Mimas is one of Saturn’s moons, and here’s why it’s relevant to your gallivanting coffee drinking lifestyle: it has the largest crater, relative to its parent body, of all the craters in our solar system. The crater’s name is Herschel btw, and on an equivalent earth scale it would be as large as Canada. Its walls are 5km high, and we haven’t yet figured out how the impact didn’t destroy the whole kit and caboodle. It also looks real similar to the Death Star, despite the fact we didn’t get an image of it until 1980. Anyhoo, point is, either you have been similarly impacted or you are destined to be, and—you have and/or will survive, and probably go on to obscure fame, and hopefully fortune. Btw, Mimas in greek mythology was a son of Gaia who had serpents for legs—so…you have that going for you too. You’re indestructible…apparently.

Sagittarius- You’ve a knack for arrows and archery and aim, but despite the summer temps, the fog is pea soup thick, and what you thought was a good target may have been just a tree stump that someone used as a toilet. You could fire blindly into the miasma, your arrow possibly igniting the clouds with your inherent supersonic trans warp capabilities—but that may cause more damage than good. And sure, one could make the argument that arrows are let loose all the time in this world and who is anyone to say that You, or I, or the royal We are responsible? We are free, We are individuals, and Arrows are meant to be shot, else they lose their purpose and will and…freedom. You could also wait for the fog to clear, which is inevitable. Your call.

Capricorn- Most horoscopes promise you stuff, or achievements, or epiphanies—and sure as shite we all like to hear that there’s a trainload of good shit coming our way. But I—the Dr. Pants—am not here to bullshit you. Don’t misread—there might be a trainload coming your way---shite, maybe it’s loaded with angel farts and pants that really compliment your ass. Point is—maybe what’s coming is what you make for yourself. You’re the mayor—make the trains run on time and you and everybody else can bask in the glory of the iron horse’s hopefully not cursed gold. I hear your train a comin, it’s rollin’ ‘round the bend---but you ain’t stuck in Folsom Prison, so let that lonesome whistle blow your blues away. Be the train.

Aquarius- The only US president to have ever filed a patent is, no surprise here—Lincoln. It wasn’t for anything flashy—something about air filled bladders that would help lift boats out of muddy Midwestern rivers---I’m a doctor, not an engineer--, but here’s the point is: in 1858 he said, “Man is not the only animal who labors; but he is the only one who improves his workmanship.” What an egalitarian aquarian bastard, right? And he has the same birthday as Darwin? Frak---what have you and I done? Not nearly enough, I say. But then Lincoln and Darwin had no streaming Arrested Development to distract them. They also had long river and sea voyages to allow for well exercised thought experiments. Take a trip, free your mind, it has a wanderlust that needs to be fed.

Pisces- Your mission, and I suggest you shut up and take it, is to become the pasquino that you’ve been repressing in your innards for a time period exceeding even the most lenient of libraries. Start by visualizing the most absurd injustice in your life that has possibly plagued you since childhood. Then go to Italy, specifically to the Scior Carera in Milan. It’s a statue, but more than that, it’s a pasquinade—and by tradition, it is the recipient of anonymous satire, lampooning and pointed accusations regarding purposeful misconduct, that as a society we have decided are the unacceptable croutons in our al fresco salad. The present incongruities and injustices will no longer stand. Hear my silly words and promote change. Go now.

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