Pants McTurd's
Than True Horror-scopes
(not associated with horror
or scopes of any ilk)
Aries- Most regular horoscopes are bullshit,
oft filled with promises of love and money and career bounties that are surely
en route to your face---fer sure this month! Most ‘scopes let you know what
you’ve been lacking or missing or searching for. They blow more smoke up your
ass than even fortune cookies. And hey—a little positive reinforcement can be a
good thing. Maybe you have had a rough time and things are going to get better.
Maybe monkeys will fly out of your butt. HOWEVER--this Pants horrorscope is not
here to tell you of the wild and crazy awesome shite to come, but rather the
good stuff that lurks in front of your face. You lack nothing, except maybe the
forest for the trees. Have a milkshake.
Taurus- The
ensuing week may involve some or all of the following ensuing hellscapes: cat
herding, wall scraping, tennis juggling, ear waxing, bumble sniffing, cocoa
banana butter beanery bribing, ambidextrous water spanking, dandelion surfing,
getting noticed at local infamous eateries while downing oysters in hopes of a
successful rendezvous sans cameras…not to mention skullduggerous smuggling
jobs, flubbering snuffleupeggi® and watered down horsepipes. Don’t kill the
messenger on this one, but this is gonna get weird--good weird, but weird. Stay
Gemini- This week
you will span the gap and gamut between Godard and Goddard. The former a
filmmaker who was quoted as saying, “All you need to make a movie is a gun and
a girl”, and the latter, who said, “Every vision is a joke until the first man
accomplishes it; once realized, it becomes commonplace.” Bear in mind the
Goddard was a pioneer of rocket science and the Godard, a pioneer of movies
about explosive situations and emotions using guns as a launching pad. The
French guy’s a Sagittarius, and the rocketeer’s from Massachusetts. The
parallel between these two geniuses is the beam you will travel. Do some
research, walk the path, and we’ll discuss your findings at a cafĂ© in Roswell
where gravity bends to the weak nuclear force, and not the political free for a
select few.
Cancer- How
beautiful is this shite, originated by the great and wise Clarke: “(1) When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something
is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is
impossible, he is very probably wrong. (2)The only way of discovering the
limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the
impossible. (3)Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic.” Intelligence beatified. Imagination gently caressed by rivers of
science. Your week will be replete with waters that are equal parts mystic and
explicably mathematically kind. (Also, read Scorpio- we’re all counting on you)
Leo- Lately,
have you felt that you’re Bruce Lee in that one movie where there was all the
mirrors and a creepy old dude that seemed unkillable and who had metal hands
for some reason? Well, DON’T PANIC—I typed that in big bold letters so you’d
know the deal. Check this: the mirrors are a weird metaphor for your soul,
Bruce. You are blessed to know multiple realities and will stab the metal hands
guy in the chest through on of those mirrors with a freakin’ spear. Sweet
frakking action, amigo. You’re both Tango AND Cash. Big Trouble AND Little
China. Ewoks AND Wookies, hombre. Bet big, go big, and then go home…and get
some rest. You’ve earned it, Bronco.
Virgo- A snowball, packed by a twelve year old girl leaves Indiana,
Pennsylvania on a more than usually cold night at 12:05 am, headed straight for
hell. How fast does the snowball need to travel in order to get to the other
side of hell with a minimum of 33.3% of its original mass still frozen? Clue:
the girl is a pitcher in a fast pitch softball league, and in future times will
receive a scholarship, then playing in professional women's softball, and eventually
becoming an icon of the sport—say, the Mia Hamm of softball. Calculate the
vectors and moral imperceptitudes® and report back. The future depends on your
math being “correct”, unassailable, ballsy and creatively erudite and erect.
Libra- I drink
your milkshake. Deal with it. Next time put some bourbon in it. And while
you’re at it, get me a sandwich—no sprouts and extra mayo. And another thing,
go out and buy a hammock, then buy a house with a shaded back yard, preferably
with a pool, and set that hammock up in a peaceful spot; I need some serious
naptime. Some mint juleps in the afternoon would be nice too.
I…drink…your...milkshake. After all, it’s what brings all the bones to the
yard. Wait…wrong advice….take no shit from no one and keep your own
counsel---it’s the only one that’s unbiased. If you have time, then yeah,
hammock---otherwise, drink your own milkshake.
Scorpio- You’re
smart, so check my posit: On a long timeline, the relationship between our
understanding of self vs the ‘reality’ of self is probably a wave function that
goes hither and yon in some kind of up and down cycle, with the x-y axis
representing truth—whatever the frak that is. Spit, fart and vomit, I say. Yet
grok this: at times I’ll speak without forethought, perhaps with only the
inkling of an idea about something and I’ll let my tongue ramble brainwise till
it comes out; hopefully it’s genius rather than gibberish. I figure I got a
50/50 shot. Your future is neither luck nor odds. Rather flipside, your inner
reptilian sensoid molecules have been evolving far longer than whatever mammal
you think you are.
Sagittarius- I dare
you. I double canine reverse eagle transverse corduroy Baltic avenue your ass
to get your shite in gear and follow my linguistic pattern making, that
hopefully lead to a point both well fashioned and appropriately apt—sorry for
the re-redundancy, but here’s the point is---
your number. Sweet sweet, not bloody revenge is sexy and loving and organic and
delicate and ...Providential. Providence. Not just a vaguely interesting city,
but also a concept, an idea, a—a a-- belief system---an identity! My id!
I feel deep shit has been mined here.
But I gotta go, so you dig it out.
Capricorn- Bro—or
Sis…hey Lady, there’s a thing on your…Oh wow, that looks heavy as shit. It’s a
giant…what, a pustule, I guess…or a tumor…No, no it’s not a tumor, but jeez it
looks like a shit heavy load—a burden, a waste of effort on your part to be
carrying, especially considering the moment you set it down, it will try to
knife you in the liver, or the heart—wherever you live the most. My
advice---once you locate the onus, bide your time and hike to a river or a
seashore. Water is your keystone watchword lodestone geographical marker from
whence you strayed in your usually anatomical thinking. From there you’ll be
able to set your monkey free, not to mention your soul. No kayak needed, you’re
Aquarius- Do you really want to argue trivialities with someone you
agree with? Preaching to the choir seems so below a mind like ours. However,
before words of “wisdom” fall on deaf ears, consider this: despite your
questionable knowledge of generally everything, are you not also awash and awhirl
in the tempest tossed teapot of multi-universality, that may contain both alive
and dead cats in suppos’d boxes? Not to mention illusory corporeality and candy
that melts only in your mouth regardless of the fire in your fists? The forge
of life is foundried, not upon slabs of steel or stone---but in ideology not
yet invented---even by mental giants like us. Be free.
Also read
Aries, it pre-lates.
Pisces- An asteroid with its own small satellite passed by us last
week. We'll see it again in 200 years, but wow- what an interesting
relationship these two random space rocks have found in each other. They’re
nomads circling our sun at ridiculous orbits, and they found each other. Yes,
yes… randomness. And, hey—there are probably even stranger combinations out
there, but these two rocks must really dig each other’s scene, man-- or perhaps
they’re unwitting compatriots of gravity and coincidental locales which contain
no meaning. Oy, crap. Look, I’m tired, you’re tired, let’s face it-- we’re
tired, pooped even. Moons happen. Act accordingly.
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