Dr. Pants McTurd's
MORE Than True Horror-scopes
(not associated with
horror or scopes of any ilk)
♈ Aries –Hey, I been there, man. It would indeed be
really really frakking awesome if you were in possession of a futuristic death
ray gun that shoots vaporizing lasers at your enemies, or that yappety mutt
next door, that barks 24/7, I mean my god, is my neighbor freaking deaf? But
before you head down to the lab to build either a time machine or probably more
simply, a death ray gun—Shite, wait! You invent a death ray gun and you patent
the crap out of that Death Ray Gun®, or DRG®…Yeah, I like that way sounds, way
more than using it as a metaphor for your unresolved anger issues, blah blahddy
blah blah, right? No, man, this is your ‘scope: Lab, then Death Ray Gun—get
creative! And get stinking rich. Then spend the money on restricting gun
rights. Do this, it’s a moral imperative that you build the world’s first DEATH
RAY GUN®, other than the one the military has.
♉ Taurus –Been feeling stuck at a glacial pace,
wearing boots of lead, slogging through liquid kryptonite? Have you considered
taking off the boots and flying away from the kryptonite, which really has no
effect on regular humans, but I believe you can fly, not literally, but in a
metaphoric higher dimension, maybe one in which there were no boots…at all?
Wtf? This week, relax and take your shoes off and put your feet back on solid
earth, and reconnect with Mamma Gaia. Lose the boots and c’mon home!
♊ Gemini –Caveat lector number one: let the reader
beware, of whatever nonsense follows this sentence, that blowing smoke up a
Gemini’s ass has a fifty fifty shot at ending with burnt feelings and charred
clothing that will never lose that terrible smell, and you’ll just have to
throw it away, even though, maybe it was your lucky jacket, but maybe it was
just that jacket’s destiny to catch fire a little. Jeez, calm down, and spend
some dough on a good massage, or better, a whole day of massage and tenderizing,
because this life tain’t easy, son! You deserve a minimum one day of being
coolly sublime all over yourself.
♋ Cancer –Holding one’s proverbial fire is no easy
task for a crabby water sign, amid roiling seas under a drenching Piscean sun,
and approaching an earthy Virgosian full moon, especially right after Mercury
finally stopped reversing things, and shite, now Mars goes backwards. And
Saturn too, all in one damn week. But the Dr. Pants posits this wildly
unfounded science to your face: These cycles are perfect for crabby crabs.
Imagine all of space, all the ‘verse as a giant ocean, our blue diamond in the
rough, awash in cosmic tides and movements of even bigger outer space
crustaceans. Enjoy the flow.
♌ Leo –Baby steps are so infantile and wussy. And
frak all, it’s time for action. Roar. Double ROAR, and move out the way, cause
it’s time to groove, baby. I, the Dr. Pants posit this to be your course of
Hulk smashing fiery oral goodness: first, go to the place where you store your
clean clothes. Then find your favorite pair of boogie pants, that you’ve
neglected for no decent reason, and probably press them, cause we like nice
things, right? And then, put those bad boys on, buy some Bee Gees music and get
funky. Maybe don’t even wear a shirt. Just your favorite pants, I’m guessing
it’s the ones with the most comfortable crotch. Yeah, kitten—it’s roar time.
♍ Virgo –Posit: even though Virgo is an earthy
sign, what type of earth are you? Hell, you may have been ocean bottom at some
point—that’s land too, maybe you’re underwater land! But wait, I’ll twist your
‘scope a bit more to port, and charge that you are currently in a pleasant
state of earth surrounding a river, part of you moving along with it, earth in
flux, as it moves from mountain to sea and then deeper still. A river not only
runs through the mysterious It, you and river are one. Rivers always take you
somewhere cool and eventually, back home. Keep up the cool flowing vibe.
♎ Libra –In no time at all—whatever that paradigm
is like, it will be equinox, new moon in Aries, and soon after a full moon in
Libra. Fiery Justice is on the way to your face, and an Aries sun will cause
unexpected and resounding sweet fortune, as well as tinder for your fire, which
currently rides the waves till we make landfall, and on it, altitude and
pressure changes, and the possibility of a spark and a bonfire and
starsgazing®, whilst you mingle with your constellular other self. For now,
just focus on filling your sails, and get to the crow’s nest and keep watch.
Talk to some dolphins and whatever, but pray for land.
♏ Scorpio –You are so not the type of internet
ruffian that would purposely spam anyone, even if they deserved it. Well…maybe
if they deserved it. Odds are there’s no justice in whatever the hell heaven
is, so maybe sometimes, you dish it out a little yourself, what’s the harm?
You’re people led by reason and fairness, right? You’d serve up justice in an
equitable and poetic way. Give ‘em up to the possibly almighty the same way
Chaplin did that psychotic german creep. You’re money, baby and you don’t even know
it. My point is, is, use your brain, not your right hook and Jack Johnson. And
spam not one living soul, unless it’s for perceived good.
♐ Sagittarius –Okay, we all get that you are raring to
go, pretty much 24/7. And that’s cool, and hey—it’s merely one of your myriad
talents. And in the time of a Piscean sun, just weeks away from alchemically
mutating into fire and action verbs, and enough of this sloshing around a
seemingly inconsistent ocean, praying landfall and dry underwear, and hopefully
some real opportunities to bust some heads, in a spiritual sense of course. For
now, you’re Captain Nemo, relegated to the underseas till equinox next. Take
this time to sharpen your arrows and practice your aim.
♑ Capricorn –Okay, so you’ve been playing the
flugelhorn brilliantly, and gosh, we’re all so impressed, but Dude, it’s time
to move on. Learn some flute, maybe xylophone it up a little. Get a strong
plastic bucket and some drum sticks. Your mind has been too long, some might
say obsessively so, vivisecting yourself to fix this one key change, that in
your head has made sense, but now seems monotonous and full of ennui. Elevation
change, my fine goat footed friend. Fine some altitude, and remodel your attitude,
Dude. And maybe take some bongos, or an oboe.
♒ -The time of the
Piscean sun is one composed of many things, but today’s topic is the weird
logic of creative Piscean thinking. The Dr. Pants has discovered their science,
check this shite: they just think of stuff, usually wack-a-doo type stuff and,
just right frakking there, they create it. We Aquarii tend to just think about
stuff some more, usually till we’re exhausted or too drunk. We’re an emotional
wreck in the hesperusian® ilk. While we have this sun, go farther than the
brain pan and actually invent some wack-a-doo thingamabob, and in a jiff, Bob’s
your uncle, and you’re either back in Kansas or back where all the action
is—whichever you prefer. Rest the paralysis from over analysis. Whatever you
make—I guarantee, it’s gonna be genius.
♓ Pisces –Pisces is water, and ergo I posit this
wild speculation: known as the universal solvent, water has many forms, from
glacial ice ages of stored knowledge and jet cooling abilities, to marianasian®
trenches of water pressurized to near absolute zero—no, that’s not a new vodka,
calm down…my point is, is, have a genius birthday, and take a dip in your tank,
grok your status, and share with us your magic water—I further posit that
Pisces are basically supporting humankind’s entire al- and just regular chemical
lives with their innate empathetic and soulful action. Happy fuckin’ birthday,
you cad, you rakehell, you bounder, you!
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