Dr. Pants McTurd's
MORE Than True Horror-scopes
(not associated with
horror or scopes of any ilk)
♈ Aries - We're all under
the onus of the hugeness and magnitude of it all. The multiverse is beyond our
ken, the numbers more massive than our ability to comprehend...or...our tech
evolves at a faster rate than we can conceive, particularly as the brain ages. Neverthelesser®,
we've arrived at yet another equinox—equal day and night, for the whole planet,
for a brief second--and maybe for a moment, we'll all attain balance…as we
transform from scattered watery Pisces light into arson prone Aries sun time, and
in two weeks, a Libra full moon, and all will be perfect...for this one
singular ever changing moment. Happy birthday, you hearty hornswoggling
♉ Taurus –According to
astrological lore, Taurus is the youngest of the three Earth signs, the most
immature—in terms of experience, which the Dr. Pants likens to the idea of
freshly birthed earth. Grok this posit: Taurean earth energy is most like fresh
volcanism, a force wielding and building mountains and continents and Everests,
out of sea and alchemistry® and cooling fiery blobs of earlier forms of cosmic
god—lowercase g, -like energy. Today is equinox. A moment of recessitude® from
the innate impossibility of it all. A new Aries sun is prepping Taurean Earth
for yet another rebirth and infinite renewal.
♊ Gemini – These are
reckless times, what with a post potent full moon, and today’s equinox, when
wild energies can be released, from the sun empowered and eldest of ancient
water signs, the doubly fishy Pisces—and hence into Aries—usually of the
uncontained wildfire type. Alchemy dot awesome, right? But you’re an air sign,
and here’s where the Gemini in our society come into play: as Earth’s massively
hot energy cools over millions of years, and water finds the Earth, and soon
after atmo, & breathable air—you, the air sign cools and tempers hot
roiling seas and slowly sedimentizing volcanic assertions. That’s why your
astrological partner is the Sag…balance AND creation. Equi-nox. Party
♋ Cancer -That alleged green flash that many claim
to have seen at sunset, but sure seems like bullshite combined with an over
active imagination, and very little science to back it up? Maybe it’s like a
four leaf clover—rare and chanced upon. Anyhoo, it’s coming. It’s en route to
your unbelieving eyes, of a night where your mind will likely be elsewhere, pondering
the secrets of dynamic inter-relationship betwixt you and another soul sibling
with too oft pants that over-travel, who nonethewhattheless® will be returning
with the spring equinox—which is today, the 20th. So maybe for the
next couple nights, soak up a sunset and plant your seeds of good fortune for
the inbound solar new year. Cool shite is coming.
♌ Leo -In case you’ve
come down with a slight case of murder on your proverbial hands, minds and/or
crotches, I recommend standing down (odd phrase, right?), and desisting all
aggressive responses until we get well past—like
a solid couple of weeks past today’s equinox. That said, I recommend neither
caution nor restraint, but rather the casual tossing of caution to the wind,
and letting the breeze take you where it willeth(sp?). The zodiac is renewing
itself, alchemically morphing & warping from water into fire. Be the fire
from this watery presto change-o. Rebirth and transformative magic is nigh.
It’s time. Leo SMASH. Leo, you SMASH now.
♍ Virgo –Hearken! Today is equinox! An alchemical
change from sunshine filtered photons dissolving into the salty Lotus Lands of
deep Piscean seas, and bursting into fire, with Promethean arrogance, an Aries
sun, determined and oozing with liquid fire—flame so hot it would make a Big
Bang look like an mere atom bomb test, like the fat plop of a raindrop landing
in cake batter. That said, my posit is thus: to slipslide® into Virgo, we go
from a fiery Leo sun into your cool jive talking Virginist vibe and the solar
wind prevails in a more earthly direction. And after you, we coalesce from
Virgin to the freedom of free flowing atmo, the graciousness of a Libran sun.
Just sayin—new solar year, and the everlovin’ curse of living in interesting
times. Hearken! This equinox bears irony as its shield. Pack accordingly. Save
you it can.
♎ Libra –Okay, so you Librans, and Aries—your
constellular opposite, own and school all fools this time of the year. As it
orbits the sun this big old Earth, also tilts about 23° degrees to the north and south of the celestial equator, and today in
fact, we’re halfway through that tilt, around 11.5°, and all the photons we
receive will be equal all over The Planet Earth, while astrologically
transmogrifying us from a watered down Pisces sun into the fire sign of
Aries—your cosmic other. And the next full moon will shine thru a Libran sun.
Prepare for explosions of orgasmic intellectual bliss trysts.
♏ Scorpio –Check this posit: as of today, the
equinox, we change from a watery Pisces ocean, deeper than even Scorp seas could
dream of. Scorps dig energy out of the earth, as is your cosmic compliment, the
Taurus—new earth, freshly birthed from roiling seas and a fiery molten core.
But now we’re moving through your opposite transformation: from water into
fire. This is birth, while yours may seem obsessed with death and Phoenixes and
rising from tombs and whatnot. Near next equinox, we go your way: water to
fire, Scorp to Sag. This week, merely try grokking your dynamic opposite, and yet
equal. Transformation is the watchword, and there is no spoon.
♐ Sagittarius -Transformative
is the watchword, do with it what you can. Tis equinox and freedom and springtime
and release and renewal...except in reverse if you're an Aussie or otherwise
latitudinally located, and then it would still be transformative, just in another
direction, and yet equal and opposite, so yeah, TRANSFORMATIVE is the
WATCHWORD. It's equal day and night for a mere second of a trillionth of a
nanosecond. One of two biannual moments of balance and alleged harmony. My
point is, is that now is the time to engender fortitude and imagination and
fierce loyalty to one’s own moral code. Radical energy shift from water into
fire. Walk apace to a calming heartbeat and drink in the ongoing alchemy. Its
scope is beyond immense and a challenge for our ken.
♑ Capricorn –Amidst the currents of the current stream
of the collective un- and sub- conscious(nes(es)…(sp?), today we pass through
an equinox, equality of light on a global scale, for like a second probably,
and then the earth keeps tilting south of the celestial equator, and thereby
retrieving our sun in the name of the NORTHERN hemisphere and sending those
down unda’ marsupial aussies back to a wintery hell. Who gets the sun now, huh??
North Hemi, yeah, represent! That said, a multiverse, unimaginatively large and
for this one moment, a half a sec—equal light all over planet Earth. This week,
consider the very, very large. Daunt you, it may, but let it not dissuade you
from brainial expansionist opportunities. Springtime, and a level field of play.
Aquarius ♒ -Welcome to
today’s equinox! Brought to you from a wobbly earth ball that tilts up and down
as it orbits, warming both northern and southern hemispheres equally, allowing
for a back and forth of energy that benefits all land masses and oceans with
relatively equal favor—if only those pesky plates would stop drifting. Gaia is
active on multiple levels and today is the balanced point betwixt an Aries sun
and an upcoming scaly Libra full moon. The Dr. Pants challenges you to grok the
energy shift from a slippery Piscean sun lit sea, to fire and spring and Aries
and inspire-ation, breathing in the metaphorical first breath of life. Presto.
Then, change-o. And voila.
♓ Pisces -Posit this
equinox nigh as a metaphor: a brief moment in time, where our squiggly blue
blob of a still partly molten rock, covered by water and shielded by air, has
an all too brief existence in a flash of equanimity, a quick nanosecond where
the current rotation of the Earth allows for mathematically and provably equal
parts both day and night. Our orb tilts up and down, roughly at about a 23°
angle to the ecliptic, hitting an equinox twice a year, around 11.5°, sharing
sunshine equally planetwide—allegedly balanced and harmonized. Today begins a
new solar year. Go make something worthy of it.
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