Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Dr Pants McTurd's
More Than True Horror-scopes

(not associated with horror or scopes of any ilk)

Quality Futurism That Doesn’t Suck!

Aries – Whizz bangs, déjà views, a total protonic reversal, and maybe even flying space monkeys armed with boomerangs may be swishing and swashbuckling thru your space in the next week, and here’s some why: as of the 23rd we have a new moon in Scorpio, a partial solar eclipse—which happens twice per annum btw—the Sun also moves into Scorpio and if that’s not enough for the likes of an Aries like you, Venus named for Aphrodite, yet containing one of the most hostile environs in our system, she also moves into Scorpio for the next few weeks. And while Scorps have a sting first, ask stupid questions later reputation, Aries is one of the few signs who really gets off on all the tumult, soul searching and chaos—just make sure you know where you left your pants, because this next week or so could be revolutionary, mind begooggling and long term.

Taurus –Quick astro primer: we get four eclipses per year, two solar and two lunar. That said, we had a full lunar two weeks ago and on the 23rd we get a partial solar, and in between these two eclipsii, little bastard Mercury has been retrograde moving back into Libra leaving the path not taken to be like wtf, only to move forward once again as of the 25th, which leads the Dr Pants to advise bullish types like you to imagine a world where you actually get a second chance, and this never happens in an entropic multiverse, everything changing all the frikking time—possibly the whole point of the ‘verse in fact might be to never ever never do the same thing twice. That said, this week you may espy an opportunity to make a different choice, utilize a better option and redress whatever is naked and wrong. Choose something else.  

Gemini –This week may seem like a Choose Your Own Adventure book that you’re reading a second time thru, hoping for a better alternative to falling into a pit, crashing on a remote island or a trip to the dentist. The multiverse almost never ever never lets the same thing happen twice, it would seem like a cop out considering how vast the scale, right? But this week, due to retrograde bullshite, partial solar eclipses, new moons and Mars heading for Sagittarius horse country as of the 26th, this week you may have a chance to do, think or believe something again but in a different light. Make a new choice, pick a new direction and fear not cross trade winds or crappy endings. Make off with treasure, get that girl/guy, and have cake and eat it too. Luck favors the bold.

Cancer –Centrifuges, boomerang effects, déjà views, and warp speed are on tap for this weeks’ celestial wanderings, let’s posit: on the 23rd the Sun moves into Scorpio, the New Moon is in Scorp, as well as a partial solar eclipse, two weeks after a full lunar eclipse btw, and then on the 25th Mercury stops this retrograde bullshite, and then on the 26th Venus also moves into Scorpio. Oof. History may seem like it’s repeating, but this time with a twist of lemon, or maybe vinegar, but either way it will be a hell of a palate cleanser. In the next week, if you feel like you been here before, you may have, but this may be a chance to make a new choice, plot a different course and change the winds of fortune toward more favorable ends. Redesign, rethink, retool and do it again, but better.    

Leo –Finally your leonine patience is due to be rewarded with forward moving, proactive, withheld by nothing and no one celestial action, so let’s posit: from the 23rd to the 26th, new Moon in Scorp, partial eclipse also in Scorp, Mercury out of retro, and Mars moves into Sag, a fellow fire sign and not one to sit idly by pretty much ever. Shot out of a cannon, tripping thru a Stargate wormhole and/or actually getting a second chance at something you thought had passed may all happen either silkily and subtly or quick and pointedly like a tiger’s temper. To avoid an all out burn out after blast off, maybe grab a nap and a sandwich, this week’s gonna be straight up weird—astrologically speaking, so think at least once before you pounce. Then of course by all means, pounce like a champ.

Virgo –The multiverse is so complex that it never ever never has to do the same thing twice, in fact it’s frowned upon considering the sheer size and scope of impossible limitlessness, and that’s why in the next week you may experience the same thing you did a month ago when you passed on it, and mayhap you’ll get another chance, but here’s the caveat: it won’t be the same, it may look, smell and quack the same, but this ain’t no duck. But it’s no weird bullshite Guardians of the Galaxy final scene either. It may be just a glance down a path not taken or a life not led. Only insane people do things the same way twice, right? Don’t be insane, choose smarter this time, the consequences will be marvellous, potent and long lasting.

Libra –Obviously there’s glitches in the matrix causing déjà views of black cats, because there’s no way that it’s fair that birthday Sun times for Libras and an immunity to all things crosshaired and crosseyed could be coming to an end. The Dr Pants also calls bullshite! That doesn’t mean that the skies get boring, check these stars: while Mercury was in retrograde—til the 25th btw—he started to move into the sign of Scorpio, when Libra pulled him back in, apparently not done with her business, and after Merc goes forward, there’s extra Mercury Libra time til we get back to the ultimate scorpionic destination—don’t fret, Merc comes back to Libra once a year, this time you got a little extra. Hopefully you’re using this extra timespace to foist your mercy onto the tender souls of the earth that have missed you. Rain sunshine down on all you see and be overly generous with your time, your breath smells like kittens and cinnamon and mercy. 

Scorpio –Firstly, happy birthday Sun times, you chthonian fire water arachnid! Secondly, this next month is all you, check this shite: on the 23rd there’s a new moon in Scorp, with a lemon twist of a partial solar eclipse, also the Sun moves into Scorp and so does Venus—ironic that we named her after Aphrodite, the most beautiful of all, and yet the planet Venus couldn’t be more inhospitabl and sulphuric—aptly perfect for Scorpio, since beauty can exist way way down deep even buried in the darkest of sediments where sunlight is kept hidden from secrets and we have to dig for our treasure. So much sky action in your nape of the woods, that your shite may actually have no odor whatsoever. We all know you have it, don’t be coy, show us what ya got. And happy birthday…

Sagittarius –The big news for you fiery centurian archer types isn’t about all the Scorpio Sun and Moon energy on the 23rd, including a partial solar eclipse, or even Mercury coming out of retro on the 25th—but Mars and whatever you associate with it moving into Sag on the 26th for an adventurous three week visit. Mars was named for the god of war, a male planet on the other side of Earth from Venus, and yet ironically, the big blustery war machine is actually much smaller in size than either Earth or Venus—it’s always the little guy who wants to start trouble, cough-Napoleon-cough, so when you look up in the sky at the angry red planet, behind it will be the sign of the Sag. Birthday for you in a month, but for now action, action, action, and then more action. Giddy up, horsey.

Capricorn –The giant unkillable sky scorpion, aka Scorpius isn’t all that bad a dude, the Dr Pants is just sayin. In one story, Orion the great hunter—on the opposite side of the sky from the Scorp btw, for good reason—in order to prove his greatness wanted to hunt all the animals of the Earth, which would ironically leave him without a reason to exist, but neverthenary, big mammajamma© Gaia, who created all the animals, sent the most powerful of them to kill the greatest hunter, so really the scorpion is the savior of humanity—a poisonous arachnoid chosen one come to save us all. The Dr Pants’s point is, is that after a new moon in Scorp, a partial solar eclipse, forward moving Mercury, and Mars dipping his claws into Sagittarius, and in 2 weeks a full moon in Sag—there’s bizarre, maybe even scary shite on the horizon, but it’s just a scorpionic messiah coming to save you. Don’t run, stand ready, face your fear, cause it’s here to help, endow and uplift.   

Aquarius -The Dr Pants slept thru most of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but there’s a song about a time warp or something, which leads him to you: You’ve been time warping thru most of October, haven’t you? Well, shite’s about to get weird and sort of real, so plant your brain feet and check this shite: Merc out of retro on the 25th, slungshot thru a wormhole of a new moon / partial eclipse on the 23rd, and while nobody was looking, Mars alleged planet of action and war and Grrrrrr! quietly slips into Sagittarius, alleged fire starting half horse with perfect aim who asks questions later if at all. Look, the Dr Pants gets it, it’s cool to let your mind wander endlessly over Wordsworthian clouds, even on a regular basis, but for this week practice pondering the Now and let the later figure it out. Literally ope thine eyes.

Pisces –Action and adventure? No way! Except that in this case, it’s a yes. Celestially speaking this next week or so might feel like a movie co-directed by Martin Scorcese and David Lynch, except that not everyone has to die, it’ll make sense kinda, and it should have really cool cinematography, but somehow the style overtakes us, the royal WE, the audience, demanding reason and purity from my art, like this is a marketplace after all, n'est-ce pas? But what about my art? MY ART? My vision, my emotions up there on the canvas for all to see and gawk at like I’m some prized pig now butchered and hung out to drip dry slowly on a hook like so much fish bait— Wait, what? Adventure, yes yes and action and so forth—weird, big budget, artsy and/or fartsy. And for a change watch this one sober. The Dr Pants kids, have a cocktail—have two, this is a trippy flick.

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