Dr Pants McTurd's
More Than True Horror-scopes
(not associated with
horror or scopes of any ilk)
Quality Futurism That Doesn’t Suck!
♈ Aries –The Dr Pants is
stoked to point out that you’re within a muggeseggele
of achieving the greatest achievement out of all the achieving achievers that
have ever achieved, Lebowski or otherwise. You’re gonna hit pay dirt mucho
pronto, paisan, and I thought you should prepare thyself for the onslaught of
yummy on the way to your honey lovin’ tummy. A muggeseggele, btw, is an
idiomatic term referring to the approximate length of a fly’s wiener. Ergo,
you’re like super close to awesome town. Just try to act surprised. In fact,
I’ve said too much. Forget what you have read. Save you it can.
♉ Taurus –Quick astro primer before we get to the
juicy lunar sweet spot you bulls are about to hit: we get 12 new moons per year
and 12 full ones, right, and each sign gets one full moon in its home base once
per annum, and it’s that time again, we just had a new moon in Scorp and on the
6th we get a full moon in constellation Taurus. Woo hoo, right! More
primer: during a full lunation, the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the
Earth, in a careful balance between the Bull and the Scorpion, betwixt birth
and rebirth, an Einstein Rosen Bridge spanning this life and the next one. It’s
your half birthday, which does not imply that you should half ass this party.
Get weird for Halloween.
♊ Gemini –After all the
tumult, hulla balloo, falderall, horse hockey and inappropriate gerrund
usements of this past, some might say, infamous October, and despite our Sun being
immersed in the chthonic waters of the allegedly unkillable sky scorpion kniown
as Scorpius, we have this full moon on the 6th in the sign of Taurus,
and all these Taurean Scorpionic themes like birth and rebirth, real and unreal
and even more unreal, are all over the place like a Rothko or a Dali, symbolism
and ideaology splayed and spread eagled across the sky like a patient etherized
upon a table. The full moon should bring clarity and wisdom to all that ruckus
and ruin. Let your spirit go and your body will follow.
♋ Cancer –Deep in Scorpionic
Sun times we are, and on the 6th we get a full moon in Taurus the
bull—it’s geometry and it’s boring, but at a full moon the Earth, Moon and Sun
are in a straight line, with the Earth in the middle—full lunation, friends! Furtherly
Scorp and Taurus are opposite/equal to each other in the zodiac, bonding a
water sign with an earth sign, and actually all three water signs are on the
opposite side of the wheel/sky from earth signs, for example Cancer is opposite
Capricorn. Scorp and Taurus relate to planting vs harvest time, spring vs fall,
birth vs rebirth, and sex vs really dirty sex. Ergo, it’s an excellent week for
new ideas, realizations, epiphanies and possible time travel. Get weird for
Halloween, the Moon will protect you.
♌ Leo –The Dr Pants is
woe to tell ya that you’ve had your cathexis and catharsis totally ass
backwards and people are beginning to ask uncomfortable questions. The
relationship between the two can be complimentary, and hopefully the former
follows the latter. A cathexis is the investment of mental or emotional
energy—want, desire, id, etc, into a person, object or idea, and yes sir, it
can be constipated—fixation, plantation, feet to the ground while the sky spins
on above us. And catharsis is freedom, from such things as, well… a cathexis. Celestially
speaking it’s an excellent time to follow your bliss—tis the season for catch
and release. Spread yourself sky-wise and free yourself from pointless and
outmoded qualms, hang ups, and impediments of all ilk. Don’t
♍ Virgo –Recently a globster was sighted on your pristine shoreline, just south and
east of your medulla oblongata. A globster btw is an unidentified mass of
organic material that washes landward and confuses everyone, as neurons and
beachgoers struggle in vain to figure out what the hell that thing is. Is it a
whale? A giant squid? The governor of New Jersey? Whatever it is, your
subconscious needs you to see it, identify it, and then cleanse your beach by
rolling it (the globster) gently back into the sea to be reclaimed by the
Piscean waters of your inner self. Full moon on the 6th and weird
shite from the deep—breeeeathe, and treat yourself to something long desired
and deserved.
♎ Libra –The net effect
of October, celestially speaking, is akin to being thrown into a washing
machine filled with uncomfortably high temps and stuck on spin for way too
long, with a distinct lack of a fabric softening period, where we could all
relax, soak up some fresh smelling chemicals and then spin some more, hoping to
settle out with original pine tree forest scent, a modicum of decorum, and a new
perspective and prospectus, launching us into the future that is November, but
first—there’s Day of the Dead, a rememberance of souls sailed past us, and a
peek behind the curtain of forever. Full moon in Taurus on the 6th
will make everything right that’s wrong, turn inside out whatever’s outside in,
and bring all mileage back to zero. Dust yourself off, it’s a new day, a new
month and a new and improved mindset.
♏ Scorpio –You’ll be glad
to know that the souls of your ancestors flow thru you like magma coming to
surface after long periods of intense pressure and heat. That said, despite the
astronmical background the Dr Pants is also a theoretical physicist and cannot
currently deny the possibility that if our life force could be determined scientifially,
that perhaps even if we die as part of this dimensional string, that does not
exclude our existence as energy, in some other form on some other
plain/plane/brane and that maybe everything is truly ONE, like it’s really WE,
the royal WE, all of us together, excluding no one because mercy is ubiquitous
and impossible to deny. Whatever you want, and it’s probably unconventional,
now is the time for it to fall into your lap. Happy birthday, you sweet sexy venomless
♐ Sagittarius –Honestly, if the
Dr Pants were a Sag, he’d be stoked right now, here’s some why: the sky reeks
of Scorpio energy, which means examination, transformation and a move to a
higher energy level, specfically Sagittarius Sun times that are the result of
the transmorgrifications of the current Scorpion Sun. The full moon’s in Taurus
on the 6th, which if you don’t over indulge on the physical
pleasures, Sag folks should be abuzz with epiphanies, insights and game
changing information. Eat, drink and make merry fer sure, but you’ll want some
clarity for the data dump you’re about to receive. Reap the cosmic whirlwinds
and alter your earthbound pov.
♑ Capricorn –You only get
Mars in your sign every so often, so the next few weeks are perfect for waging
war either co- or overtly, toppling dictators, nation building and supporting
fledgling democracy dammit, for all those who need it, right? With the Sun in
Scorpius, the giant unkillable sky scorpion, who eats transcendental
transformational enlightenment for breakfast, and Mars in Capricorn, your
powers of persuasion may be difficult to deflect, defer or defend against. But
then we have la pièce de résistance, a full moon on the 6th in Taurus, your
little brother earth sign who knows just how you like things done. Chill out,
have a schnitzel, wave your wand and tell the multiverse what you want. It has
deep pockets and it owes you.
♒ -Radical yet toe
curlingly pleasing changes are afoot and apace and if you’re not paying
attention, several trains may be departing without you on them, respectively.
That said, these last two eclipses have either focussed the matter, or
scattered it, which is the Aquarian preference to be sure, but intellect cannot
ignore the need to make certain decisions, implying that one should live with
them, alter them when possible, and cease and desist all possible energy wasted
upon frivolous worrying, obsessions and other similar time sucks. This life is
absurdly short, and this is not a week to fritter away. Choose, then choose
more, and then choose more, like cards in a game with no rules. Cast aside
doubt and angle for some really big fish. For a while anyway, you got the
♓ Pisces –Pisces and
Capricorns should never be drinking buddies, the consequences would be
disastrous, neither of you know when to say enough and even tho Pisces handle
it better, it’s not safe you guys in a room with booze on hand. That said, Mars
alleged planet of action and supposedly war, is now in Capricorn, who if left
to his own devices will win whatever war you got through planning and
diligence, just don’t get the general drunk just because hey, it’s a Tuesday!
In closing, full moon on the 6th in Taurus the Bull and mucho
Scorpio Sun, so think like a mullet, business up front party in back, and
despite your party party proclivities don’t celebrate early. Obligations first,
then get weird for Halloween.
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