Dr. Pants McTurd's
MORE Than True Horror-scopes
(not associated with
horror or scopes of any ilk)
♈ Aries –The question you will face this week
regards zombies, which the Dr. Pants assumes are being developed by the
military for use as a weapon or maybe just a deterrent, but the question will
be this, and we need a decently solid answer if we’re to survive the zombie viral
pandemic of 2019—keep that on the DL btw, no need to panic the masses before
it’s time to panic. So…here’s the big question: do zombies watch porn? Does the
recent condom law apply to zombies?? Furtherly, will zombie porn push regular
human porn out of the San Fernando valley? What of valley porn? What of it??
Fight the future!!
♉ Taurus –Your power birthday creature of the week
is the tardigrade! Congratulations, I guess, and felicitous natal blessings
upon all you bulls. A tardigrade btw, is a water dwelling segmented
micro-animal. They’re a teensy .5mm in length and can survive at temps at
nearly absolute zero! Which, if you seen regular zero, the absolute is indeed
far more intense—just imagine the pressure that water would have to be to get
to absolute zero. Oy vay, right? Life is springtime and burgeoning, and able to
survive at ridiculous depths—driven to survive, because even if there is no
actual god, there is this one ever changing moment of NOW. Happy birthday—your
current market conditions are bullish to an absolutely absurd degree.
♊ Gemini –Nihilism is such bull crap, right? They
believe in nothing? Do they believe in dark matter? The Dark Side, what? It’s
exhausting ignoring your innate beliefs, and tenets and dogmas and rituals, be
they religiously oriented or nay, more to the obsessive compulsive side,
repetitive stress injury sort of thing… The Dr. Pants’s point is, is that
belief is hard wired into our genes, we ooze belief because it’s a brilliant
paradigm for an advantageous evolution that has treated us decently, despite
wars and plagues and Lucas retooling Star Wars. Belief is inescapable. Whatever
you believe—pretend it’s a pool, and don’t think, just dive.
♋ Cancer –Have you been hiding from the recent
eclipse cycle and solar new year deep inside the innards of a palazzo of a
Lombard collector? If so, it’s time to dub your movie back into english, and
restore, rejuvenate, and yes, you’re still smokin’. Warm seas and inviting
breezes are calling, and hibernation is officially kaput and kybosh’d®. The
beach, the water, all of the liquid world is sloshing itself into the coming
frenzy of an impending solstice, the world’s oceans just roiling with life and
an insistence that mankind merely believes that he/she/we are the top of the
food chain, but that SHE is far more powerful, more ancient, and crikey—gave
birth to all us monkey bipeds. This week, seek thou the big Mamma Earth.
♌ Leo –You know what the Dr. Pants hates most?
No, it’s not avocado pancakes—it’s red lights. RED makes him so angry! Whats
with all the stopping? We’re in a car that is designed, built and literally driven to MUTHER FRAKKING GO, am I
right?? Okay, frak, let’s cool the collective jets—and wait, were we talking
about the Dr. Pants, or the Leos aka you? Yes, YOU, the royal You, the
editorial—metaphorically speaking, from now til your natal celebrations and
equinox next, don’t stop believin’, take only yes for an answer and knock on
doors til your knuckles bleed red with the blood of the never say die King of
the Yunque. Find your inner Puerto Rico. Caress your roots and build a temple
that will make your neighbor’s temple look like a pile of puke. And unfortunately,
you will have to stop at some reds, dammit.
♍ Virgo –This week, you will meet a short handsome
stranger. He, she, or whatever you kinky Virgins are into, this handsome
stranger will incite your hopped up brainial area with a thousand ideas at
once, regarding the past, the NOW moment, and the ever evolving future, and
hopefully who’s going to win the next SuperBowl—besides the fans—we’re always
winners! The Dr. Pants’s point is, is that a chance encounter—and yes, all
encounters have an equal probability of chance—I guess, sort of… Okay, maybe
forget I told you about the stranger—which is likely, knowing your ilk—boozy
booze booze, am I right? So, in conclusion, nothing will happen this week. What
droids? Move along.
♎ Libra –the first time the Dr. Pants laid eyes
‘pon a Libra sun, it were a scandalous delight, reminiscent of—why does
reminiscent contain the word scent? Ah yes, your natural recently bathed self
is resplendent and difficult to nail down, in earthly terms. The Pants am
reminded of a beach, somewhere near Nice, Fr, coastally refulgent with good
vibes and wine that induces lounging, transposed over centuries and eons of
pondering and palavering until we arrive coincidentally at this moment. Libra =
air. Air necessitates inspiration. Breathe, and repeat, and no thing could even
dream of obfuscating or getting all up in your junk. L'anarchie et l'entropie, mais avec
compassion. Respirer et puis répétez, s'il vous plaît, mon ami.
♏ Scorpio –The stage is yours for the next little
while. We’re approaching the one time of year containing a Scorpio full moon
that just recently began with a partial eclipse new moon, under rejuvenating
Taurean sunlight. In fact, posit thusly: Taurean sunlight, enfirmed and
embiggened with the heat and vibrancy of eternal life in an eternally endless
multiverse, well… shite, that’s right up your bowling alley. Nigh, your moon
will be buxom and clearly cratered and hella spot lit, right after the sun just
reminded us who’s really in charge of lighting this particular corner of the
‘verse. Now is the time to be the lightning, time to the forward the Light
Brigade. Into the valley of eternal life, rode the six hundred. This NOW—this
now, is your time.
♐ Sagittarius –I sense that the astral equine in you is
attempting to bolt and head for more heavenly skies, but this Dr. Pants urges
restraint only up till the last possible second, when no one could be expected
to hold back a spilling forth of divine earthly bliss. Play smart rather than
desperate, for it will reward you in the long and shortest of terms. Grab your
reins and save expedience for another day. That said………….Abandon ALL restraints
and withholdings. They mean squat diddly poop farts. Restrain thyself ONLY if
necessary to protect & serve a greater good or the family jewels. Elsewise,
mount up and ride, ride until you’re done.
♑ Capricorn –Earth. One of the old school elements.
Posit this: how long did it take our current species to transmogrify their
environs into understanding of their environs, and eventually toward some hope
of controlling those environs and, well…taking over and engendering more and
more intricate beliefs systems, dominating the food chain, and potentially the
entire continuum, with our incessant need to create THE NEXT MOMENT, AND TO
FOSTER A FUTURE OF INTENDED DELIGHTS? It took many millions of years. Don’t
worry about it. You were built for this mountain, you silly billy goat. Lots of
sunlight, go climb—climb up.
♒ -This recent
eclipse cycle is the perfect time to discuss your penchant for a recent dalliance
into the self fulfilling samsara of the paraklausithyron, aka in
ancient troubadourian lingo, a lover’s lament at a door. Point is, is that the
Dr. Pants is not so subtly implying that for too long you’ve been clinging to
the comforting blankie of something or someone that you thought contained a
gravity that, well…had a perfect orbit to fall into. So why has it been
fighting you? The Dr. Pants suggests, finding another door, or maybe a wormhole,
to a same or similar end, or maybe toward a brighter star. All roads lead to
heaven, or at least the next ‘verse. Luminous beings are we, not this crude
matter. Think around the corner.
♓ Pisces -You put the lever in clever
and the pickle in the tickle. And the Dr. Pants doesn’t need to you the inform
the likes of you, you fishy fish fry you, that the party in your pants,
professional or otherwise, is bright and burgeoning, pulsating and archetypically
erect, engorged with the lifeblood of a billion billion billion googolplex of gentalia,
all firing in unison for an almost uncomfortable period of time, but mos def,
soul cleansing—like a soul enema. You clever lever, you. Despite recent
setbacks, you’re in prime shape for some ass kicking and name dropping to
achieve an absurdly bright and immediate future that will explode to the face
and amaze balls. Surf’s up. It’s way up.