Special heads up from the Dr. Pants !
Tonight, at 1058pm PDT, there will be a three and
a half hour total lunar eclipse, totally visible where all the cool people and
all the Dr. Pants’s’ are at—California!
… provided you have clear enough skies to see it,
as well as the will to stay awake and somewhat sober till Fallon.
Griffith Park Observcatory has telescopes out, as
well as nerd types to explain what the hell you’re looking at, but
unfortunately probably lots of crowds and walking up a really big hill, and why
do my knees hurt so bad? Did anyone bring ibuprofen?
If where you’re at is clear skies, don’t miss it.
And remember solar is the one that will burn your retinas out, while lunar eclipses
are eyeball friendly!
And check this shite: This total lunar eclipse is
also a full moon! In Libra! And the shite gets radder still! This is the first
of four full moon total lunar eclipses in a row, aka a TETRAD. The last of the
series will occur in Sept 2015!
In the world of math and numbers and sequencing, this
is pretty heady erotic shite!
Enjoy the sky show, or go somewhere cool and catch
an eyeful!
We are all made of star stuff.
The Dr. Pants McTurd
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